Fox News personality Sean Hannity claims to always call it like he sees it, and his latest call, well, doesn’t look so good for him! It must be noted that I did describe him as a “personality” because Hannity’s always been a grey-area type of talking head. He famously argued in 2016 that he’s “not a journalist, I’m a talk show host.” Then in 2017, he changed his tune and decided that, yes, he is a journalist, which more than suggests that he should be held to the barest of journalistic principles, including the verification of information before reporting it. This all makes things very confusing as 2020 rolls to a close, and Hannity has committed his greatest self-own yet.
On Monday night, Hannity clearly had an axe to grind after news that all states had now certified their POTUS election results (further confirming Joe Biden as victorious). He continued to push election-fraud conspiracies, and in the process, he made this amazing admission: “I don’t vet the information on this program.”
“I don’t vet the information on this program”.
And there you have it… pic.twitter.com/5o8FGGDtLJ
— Rex Chapman
(@RexChapman) December 1, 2020
For a little more context, here’s how that played out. He appeared to be arguing that the media is “a mob,” but he is an independent thinker, not one of the “sheeple,” but yeah, this probably came out looking much worse than intended:
“This show, we in this hour, I am not told what to say. I don’t vet the information on this program that I give out. We have always been independent, follow our own path on this show. That’s not gonna change for me, ever.”
He did, however, tell his audience that he did vet “the Biden family’s international pay for play schemes,” but “the media mob ignored it all. And by the way, we’ll continue to investigate.” In other words, he’s still not gonna leave Hunter Biden alone, even after his colleague, Tucker Carlson, declared that it’s time to leave Hunter Biden alone.
So here’s what we’re left with in the end: Hannity doesn’t vet information; therefore he is a propagandist? It seems like his admission on not doing so should stand, and people agree.
Spoiler Alert: I know him. @seanhannity does not know what the word “vet” means https://t.co/WhnoSHeVva
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) December 1, 2020
BREAKING: @seanhannity confirms he is NOT a reporter, but a propagandist. #FoxNews #SeanHannitypic.twitter.com/AziG8Ws8Pz
— Meidas UMaine (@Meidas_UMaine) December 1, 2020
What we’ve all known for 15 years. https://t.co/jK4QEbdgtJ
— Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA) December 1, 2020
.@seanhannity should be held accountable. They also need to reinstate the Fairness act. https://t.co/b9ZwHQeFvW
— David Weissman (@davidmweissman) December 1, 2020
Sean Hannity said tonight that he doesn’t vet any of information that he has on his show. Well that’s fucking obvious! He literally spews diarrhea out of his mouth and Fox viewers lap it up and then ask for a second helping.
— Amy Lynn
(@AmyAThatcher) December 1, 2020
BREAKING: Sean Hannity accidentally reports the truth. https://t.co/hwFGR7EnZ0
— John Henson (@John_Henson) December 1, 2020