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Trump ‘Strike Force’ Lawyer Jenna Ellis Reportedly Has COVID, Thinks That God Wants Her To Overturn The Election For Trump

Rudy Giuliani might be grabbing all of the attention (and for good reason) during Trump’s post-election fiasco, but behind him, there’s a smirking lady lawyer member of Trump’s “Elite Strike Force.” That would be Jenna Ellis, who’s stood near Rudy for the hair goo and every other recent adventure, including his audible gas-passing (complete with Jenna side-eye) during a Michigan hearing. That’s the same hearing where he asked a woman next to him to take off her mask, four days before testing positive for COVID-19, and given that Jenna sits next to Rudy, oh boy.

Axios reported on Tuesday morning that Jenna had “informed associates she tested positive for the coronavirus,” which upset a lot of people since she attended a West Wing Christmas party (where people brought their families?) on Friday. She undoubtedly acquired the virus as part of her work on the Elite Strike Force (and likely caught it from Rudy, and yes, there are more fart jokes), but she believes that she’s doing God’s work. Via Raw Story, here’s what Jenna had to say to Fox Business when asked how she feels about people thinking she’s crazy for pushing the “election fraud” conspiracy into lawsuit after failed lawsuit:

“You know, my life is in service and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ. And so whatever anybody else says really doesn’t bother me… and that’s ultimately at the end of the day, as long as I know that I’m pursuing truth and I’m doing the right thing for God and my country, that’s all that matters. So that’s what gives me my optimism and my hope.”

Her words stand on their own in terms of being truly bonkers, but it’s worth revisiting Jonathan Swan’s Axios report. He wrote that Jenna would neither confirm nor deny “test[ing] positive and that some senior staff weren’t happy,” Jenna responded that Swan was “rude” to text so late in the evening (after midnight). She added, “You must be more informed than me because I haven’t heard that,” and then she stopped responding when Swan asked if she denied having Covid-19. “Rude” might apply to a lot more in this situation than texting after midnight, but alright.

(Via Axios)