With Trump’s virtually non-existent chances of overturning the Pennsylvania election results officially shut down by the Supreme Court, Lt. Governor John Fetterman can turn his always entertaining Twitter account to other passions near and dear to his heart. Namely LGBTQA rights and legalizing weed. In late November, Fetterman found himself the target of state Republicans who slipped in legislation that specifically banned him from flying flags from his Capitol office balcony in Harrisburg. If you know anything about the hulking Lt. Gov., he doesn’t back down from a fight, and he’s not only continued flying the flags, but he plans to add new ones to his collection. When asked if he’s concerned about violating the new legislation, his answer is another example of why Fetterman has risen to social media fame over the past few weeks. Via PennLive:
“Unless they are going to send the gay flag police after me, I don’t really know what their recourse is going to be.”
He added later that if the Capitol Police Department want to send over their “gay flag division’” of the Capitol Police Department to confiscate them, they can.
Not content to troll PA Republicans in the pages of PennLive, which serves the Harrisburg capital region, Fetterman took the battle to Twitter where he laid out his conditions for removing his flags. “It’s simple to get rid of my flags,” Lt. Gov. Stone Cold tweeted. “Affirm EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW for our LGBTQIA+ community in PA + Legal Weed for PA. Otherwise buckle up.”
You can see Fetterman’s growing flag collection below:
Otherwise, buckle up.
— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) December 9, 2020
(Via PennLive)