John Oliver’s show Last Week Tonight is off the air until the new year, and though many, many interesting things have happened in the world since it stopped airing mid-November. But Oliver and company returned on Sunday for a little segment asking a burning question that’s far older than the 2020 election: What does the Pringles mascot’s body look like? After all, since 1967 the world has only seen his head (and fabulous mustache).
It didn’t take long for Oliver to take an answer. The potato chip brand recorded a video response, in which we finally meet the mascot, name of John Q. Pringles, as he welcomes viewers into his shockingly normal (if slightly upscale) home.
The moment @IamJohnOliver and @LastWeekTonight have been waiting for. In honor of every second John has thought of Mr. P’s body, we are donating $1 to @feedingamerica, which happens to be $10K. pic.twitter.com/Ori2jKJ8fz
— Pringles (@Pringles) December 8, 2020
Mind you, the video doesn’t answer all of Oliver’s questions. He wondered if Mr. Pringles was short or tall. He’s tall-ish, especially with that outsized head. Oliver also had some more intimate questions: “Does he have a lot of body hair, or is he completely smooth? When will he be able to tell me what his nipples look like?” Those will have to remain mysteries, as John was fully clothed, in festive red. We also know that he’s pretty skinny, with a big fat head. He also conspicuously lacked his famously thick hair.
A dumb distraction from our grim times? Sure, but it was for a good cause. In the tweet, Team Pringles said that “[i]n honor of every second John has thought of Mr. P’s body, we are donating $1 to @feedingamerica, which happens to be $10K.” Feeding America, of course, is a famous nationwide charity of food banks, which feed more than 46 million. And this season, as Mitch McConnell and the Republicans hold up a much-needed second pandemic stimulus package, they’ll be very busy. Perhaps you’d like to make your own donation, if you can.
You can watch the original segment below.
(Via Deadline)