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AOC Dropped An Example Of Marco Rubio’s Hypocrisy Over A Biden Staffer Who Called Republicans The F-Word

Marco Rubio has been getting dragged on Twitter after clutching his pearls over comments made by an incoming Biden Staffer, and now, AOC has entered the fray. Despite supporting Donald Trump, who makes unsavory comments on an almost daily basis, Rubio chastised the Biden Administration after incoming staffer Jen O’Malley Dillon dropped the F-bomb while describing Republicans in an interview with Glamour.

“Biden talks about unity and healing, but you want to know what they really think?” Rubio tweeted. “Read how the person he wants as the next WH deputy chief of staff called Republicans in Congress a bunch of f***ers.”

After having his hypocrisy widely mocked on the social media platform, AOC unloaded on the Florida senator Thursday afternoon and reminded Rubio of the time that he stayed conveniently quiet after Republican Congressman Ted Yoho called her a “f*cking b*tch” in front of a reporter for The Hill.

“You stood by in total silence when your GOP colleague called a Congresswoman a “f— b—” on the Capitol steps in front of press,” AOC tweeted at Rubio. “You weren’t big enough to speak then, & you don’t get to sob now. BTW that is the right word for those who fleece & scam working families.”

You can see AOC light Rubio on fire below:

This isn’t the first time that AOC has taken Rubio down a peg on Twitter. In early November, the New York congresswoman dunked on Rubio‘s remarks that “Not every democrat is a socialist. But every socialist is a democrat.” As AOC does, she not only scorched Rubio, but also took down the GOP’s rote talking point with him.

“Curious what you call GOP giving away billions in public funds to Wall St & fossil fuel companies?” AOC fired back. “Or what you call YOUR ability to go to Walter Reed hospital & receive socialized healthcare for free? Funny how it’s only ‘socialism’ when others get what y’all give yourselves.”

(Via AOC on Twitter)