Outgoing president Donald Trump clearly doesn’t want to go anywhere. He’s spent the last six weeks desperately contesting the election he clearly lost to Joe Biden, filling the courts and his once-easily hacked Twitter feed with baseless claims of voter fraud. None of it has worked, and a new report from CNN paints a chaotic picture of the about-to-be-reshuffled White House, with sources claiming the former reality star has even floated the idea of just not leaving.
Mind you, the report claims that, when he speaks about refusing to vacate 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., he’s been “walked down from that ledge.” How often this happens and how permanently he’s been “walked down” go unmentioned. One adviser seems to be cautiously optimistic. “He’s throwing a f*cking temper tantrum,” they said. “He’s going to leave. He’s just lashing out.”
Of course, after four years it’s abundantly clear that Trump doesn’t joke, that he hates losing, and that he will try anything to get his way, including eroding faith in the electoral process. (A staggering number of Republicans still believe the 2020 election was rigged, despite the repeated and repeated lack of evidence.) He’s also possibly going to come under a lot of financial and legal duress once he’s no longer shielded by the office of the presidency.
In other words, there’s a chance Trump could bolt himself to his tiny desk on January 20 and not leave. Thing is, him being forcibly dragged out of the White House is something a number of his critics would love to see.
Does Trump realize what a liberal fever dream him being physically forced out of the White House would be? Make our day.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) December 17, 2020
Please oh please oh please https://t.co/Jfk35N9pUK
— Reed Galen (@reedgalen) December 17, 2020
That’s great. So now we can really hope to watch him being dragged out by the secret service officers.
— Exploding Trumpaloompa Singh MD
(@LabyrinthWeaver) December 17, 2020
Excellent. Drag him out. His own Secret Service. https://t.co/r7WpDTs40I
— Wajahat “Wears a Mask Because of a Pandemic” Ali (@WajahatAli) December 17, 2020
Since Trump is now threatening not to leave the White House on January 20th — nothing would give me more pleasure than to see the Secret Service restrain Trump in a straitjacket, spit guard, and wheeled out of the White House on a hand-truck, Hannibal Lecter-style.
— Bill Madden (@maddenifico) December 17, 2020
I cannot wait for the military to drag his sorry ass off of public property. https://t.co/q1ZLblEbDA
— Bryan Behar (@bryanbehar) December 17, 2020
Many said the Secret Service — who he’s repeatedly put in harm’s way, sometimes for nothing more than a drive-by photo op — would gladly do it, too.
His secret service detail will carry him out.
— Andrew C Laufer, Esq (@lauferlaw) December 17, 2020
“The United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.”
— Biden campaign spokesman on Nov. 6 https://t.co/CQrfX1o8Q6
— Adam Klasfeld (@KlasfeldReports) December 17, 2020
When sociopath refuses to leave our house, the Secret Service know what to do. #LoserInTheWhiteHouse #FreshVoicesRise pic.twitter.com/VFUu8tdBzz
— NastyNanciResists trump LOST. Over and over again. (@NanciAma) December 17, 2020
Does he actually think the secret service would let him get away with it? https://t.co/F9USkeBhhT
— Khashoggi’s Ghost (@UROCKlive1) December 17, 2020
Others wonedered if it could be televised.
He probably wants great ratings for the final episode. Nothing beats a public eviction from the White House on national TV.
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) December 17, 2020
Trump refusing to leave the White House on 20 Jan 2021 would be the ultimate Reality TV Show. Think global audience. Incredible ratings. A billion viewers. DC Police eviction? Mental health intervention team? Two Secret Service agents using a hammerlock? https://t.co/65y00c7ysj
— Barry R McCaffrey (@mccaffreyr3) December 17, 2020
So, on Jan 21st, the secret service will throw him out, as they would any lunatic civilian who refused to leave the White House.
I hope they televise it. https://t.co/eGoTxpW7vq
— Jennifer Wright (@JenAshleyWright) December 17, 2020
Cool. They should offer this on PPV. We could cure poverty with the revenue. https://t.co/g4cW6C4U3u
— Randi Mayem Singer (@rmayemsinger) December 17, 2020
Trump refusing to leave the White House on 20 Jan 2021 would be the ultimate Reality TV Show. Think global audience. Incredible ratings. A billion viewers. DC Police eviction? Mental health intervention team? Two Secret Service agents using a hammerlock? https://t.co/65y00c7ysj
— Barry R McCaffrey (@mccaffreyr3) December 17, 2020
Trump has shown no public signs of conceding, and in fact has raised a jaw-dropping amount of money from supporters for his efforts to challenge the election — a tiny fraction of which has actually gone to, well, challenging the election. (Again, he owes a ton of money once he’s no longer President of the United States.) Still, maybe that TV channel will wind up being the thing that belatedly gets him to hand over the reins. Clearly, though, many would prefer a spectacle.
(Via CNN)