Tyler Perry is reportedly worth $1 billion with a media empire build on stage plays, syndicated shows, movies, books, and residuals for playing Baxter Stockman in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows. That’s probably where most of his money comes from. He’s a young 51 years old, and as Forbes pointed out, he “owns the entirety of his creative output,” as well as a “330-acre studio lot at the edge of Atlanta’s southern limits.” Tyler Perry is a catch, and now is the time to catch him.
“This is what a midlife crisis looks like,” he wrote on Facebook, along with a buff mirror selfie. “I’m 51, single and wondering what the next chapter in my life will look like. Whatever it looks like I’m going to walk with God, be the best father and man I can be, hold my head up high, and try to look my best doing it!! In a world with so much sadness, please try and stay in the good! Merry Christmas and let’s look forward to 2021 bringing us peace!” Thank you, Tyler Perry. I will. The post was also shared on his Twitter account, where the replies are filled with thirsty shoot-your-shot women (and men).
Hey, Tyler. This is what 49 and single looks like. My kids are out of the house and in college and I’m living my blessed life. Dm me. pic.twitter.com/9F1tC8QWKz
— Maya
(@mayaokc) December 17, 2020
51 and still look the same as I did in high school!
Single and blessed with the kids all moved out. Maybe I deserve some company.
— Ariel (@SONATlNE) December 17, 2020
Hi Tyler I’m 48 , single , 2 sons and blessed and highly favored walking into my next chapter you’re not alone https://t.co/N9Ep6R7teh pic.twitter.com/Kml7dAhpSo
(@YazzyJP) December 17, 2020
Tyler Perry looking good at 51 years young… Me at 70 years young and Loving
Life to the Fullest… Tyler if you ever need a shoulder to cry
on… I’m only 10 digits away… Peace & Blessings… pic.twitter.com/HkbNsTma36
— Latosha Thomas (@cooltosha25) December 17, 2020
49 and single maybe we can go on a date. pic.twitter.com/a7IfYc83wc
— Sheila Syms (@syms_sheila) December 17, 2020
well tyler, I’m 26 and id you ever and I mean ever need anyone to talk to, I’m here
— Chèri (@Teeshacheri) December 17, 2020
Hi Ty , no need to worry I’m 46 , single and loving life this too shall pass. Through god anything is possible.
(also don’t mind being a step mom just saying) pic.twitter.com/L51cFcI2KJ
— Queen Kane (@lelo_meela) December 17, 2020
I’m 52 years, a mother of 4, love to cook. Currently working on finding God and the perfect companion for my household, must love dancing.
PS bring your cheque book https://t.co/QUsCF3IsQv pic.twitter.com/ZxoUdpU3iy
— Backxwash (@backxwash) December 17, 2020
I too am 51 and blessed. No kids pic.twitter.com/dD1jerkNnF
— anyways. (@Avshley) December 17, 2020
I don’t know if you like them older but I’m 62, single, and ready to explore the next chapter of my life as well. Sending blessings your way. pic.twitter.com/2JrHKczUTh
— Keesh (@ShesKRenee) December 17, 2020
This is what 53 looks like single and Blessed let’s hang out somewhere
— Kimberly Akbar (@kimakbar52) December 17, 2020
Our aunties are really thirsty man.
— le rata depth gore. (@Ketso28) December 17, 2020
Also this:
All I see is HELLERRRRRE pic.twitter.com/AIcY744XdE
— Donny (@itsDonBon) December 17, 2020
Good luck to everyone! But especially Rob Delaney.
I’m 43 & I do Bitcoin with my uncle Gary pic.twitter.com/BxBSUn67k0
— Rob Delaney (@robdelaney) December 17, 2020