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Marco Rubio Is Being Roasted After Attacking Dr. Fauci Even Though He Was One Of The First To Get Vaccinated

The current GOP boasts a lot of hissable figures, but few step in it as often as Marco Rubio. The Florida senator has had a busy December: He was called a hypocrite for pearl-clutching over a Biden staffer using an epithet to describe his party members, and he was roasted for being among the first to receive the new vaccine despite months of playing down the pandemic — ahead of all the essential workers whose lives he’s helped put in jeopardy. Speaking of which, on Sunday he thought it was a smart move to attack Dr. Anthony Fauci. And once again, he got dragged.

Rubio started by claiming, baselessly, that Dr. Fauci “lied about masks.” He also asserted that he has “been distorting the level of vaccination needed for herd immunity.” He concluded that many “in elite bubbles believe the American public doesn’t know ‘what’s good for them’ so they need to be tricked into ‘doing the right thing.’”

For starters, masks have been proven to slow the spread; one need only look at stats in places that have worn them widely versus ones that have not. For another, it’s pretty clear that American public does not “know what’s good for them.” Again, the places that have not taken it seriously, where people have disregarded medical advice and put their own comfort above safety, have and continue to reap the consequences.

But Rubio is gonna Rubio, and when he had the cajones to come after the person who helped saved his life, people called him out. Again.

Some pointed out that Rubio will attack Dr. Fauci but not the guy who used to insult him on the regular.

Of course, Rubio is not the only person in his party doing a bad job of stopping the spread.

We’re less than a week before the end of 2020, but we’ll bet Rubio will embarrass himself at least one more time before January comes.