The dominoes keep falling for Trump’s inner circle, and the latest casualty in his spectacularly inept contention of the 2020 presidential election is none other than whackjob lawyer Sidney Powell.
Powell joined Trump’s “legal strike force” late last year as the president, along with Rudy Giuliani, launched a widespread campaign to instill distrust in the voting process. Powell took things a step further, promoting a truly wild conspiracy theory alleging that Dominion, the company supplying voting machines in Georgia, was initially created to help rig elections for the late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. Powell tried to make the link that foreign nations were involved in switching Trump votes to Biden votes during the general election — an accusation that was proven to be unfounded and based on doctored documents. Powell also accused election officials in Georgia who confirmed the vote count of accepting kickbacks from Dominion.
And now, the company is hoping she pays for her fearmongering and baseless claims, in court, to the tune of $1.3 billion, according to The Daily Beast.
Dominion is suing Powell for slandering the company’s reputation and putting its employees’ lives at risk. The suit alleges that Powell’s conspiracy theories led to death threats being received by members of the company and politicians that supported the validity of the vote count and that her repeated appearances on TV tarnished how people viewed the company and the voting process at large. They’re hoping putting a $1.3 billion price tag on her attack campaign might set a precedent for other demagogues looking to wield agents of the law to topple our democratic process.
This sounds a lot like what people call a “f*ck around and find out” move.
(Via The Daily Beast)