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Lindsey Graham Got Dragged For Demanding Calm From Democrats After Months Of Pushing Election Fraud Lies

Like most Republicans, Lindsey Graham was once a Donald Trump skeptic, warning of the damage he may do to his party. And like most Republicans, he had one of his unpredictable changes of heart. The South Carolina senator has had the outgoing president’s back for the entirety of his administration, including the last two months, helping him push election fraud lies, even demanding Georgia’s secretary of state illegally throw out votes. So when Graham called on Democrats in the Senate to dismiss Trump’s House impeachment, so the nation can heal, his plea was not met kindly.

Trump was impeached last week, but the Senate is not scheduled to reconvene until after he’s out of office, when the Majority Leader baton will be passed from Mitch McConnell to Chuck Schumer. Graham made public a letter he sent Schumer, in which he argued that they should not follow the House’s lead.

“But now, in your first act as majority leader, rather than begin the national healing that the country so desperately yearns for, you seek vengeance and political retaliation instead,” Graham continued in his letter to Schumer. “While the vice president and Senate Republicans rejected unconstitutional actions, you seek to force upon the Senate, what would itself be but one more unconstitutional action in this disgraceful saga— the impeachment trial of a former president.”

Graham added on Twitter, “We will be delaying indefinitely, if not forever, the healing of this great Nation if we do otherwise.”

But given Graham’s antics over the last couple months, a lot of people called bull.

“A call for healing from a Senator who pushed election lies, claimed Democrats were cheating, and asked @GaSecofState ‘whether Raffensperger had the power to toss all mail ballots in counties found to have higher rates of nonmatching signatures,’” tweeted Jake Tapper.

Others weren’t convinced either.

Some speculated on Graham’s motives.

Perhaps someone who isn’t Lindsey Graham should be the one who calls for unity after one of American history’s most tumultuous presidencies. Or maybe someone who played a key role in creating the division of the last four years shouldn’t be the one demanding forgiveness.

(Via Politico)