Given the social distancing measures that were in place for the majority of 2020, last year wasn’t a great one for parades. There’s a big one in a couple days, though, and so far, it looks like it’s going to be fantastic. It was just revealed that the New Radicals are getting back together for the first time since the ’90s to perform “You Get What You Give” at Joe Biden’s Virtual Parade Across America, which will follow his inauguration on January 20. Now, TMZ reports that Nathan Apodaca — aka the guy who went viral for listening to Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams” while drinking cranberry juice on a skateboard — will also be joining the proceedings.
TMZ notes that Biden’s team reached out to Apodaca “because they saw how his feel-good video uplifted the world this past fall during social unrest and pandemic anxiety.” Apodaca has apparently already filmed something for the parade from his home in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Fleetwood Mac is grateful for the renewed success Apodaca has helped bring the band, as Mick Fleetwood told Apodaca on BBC last year, “We owe you and it’s such a celebration of everything. It’s so joyous and fun and I was just lead right into it. […] I just want to say, outside of Fleetwood Mac, we owe you. It’s such a great story and so needed in days that are challenging I’ve heard you speaking and I’m so happy to be a part of it. Congratulations on a wild, wild skateboard journey that has led us to talking today. I hope Stevie [Nicks]’s watching. She’s going to be overjoyed.”