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Stephen Colbert Celebrated The End Of Trump’s Presidency By Listing The ‘Highlights Of His Lowlights’

In Stephen Colbert’s first monologue after Donald Trump was elected president, he said, “We have four very interesting years in front of us.” Four years later, “I might have undersold that just a smidge,” The Late Show host joked in his final monologue of the Trump administration. Speaking from his home as the country’s lackluster response to the pandemic has made in-studio tapings impossible, Colbert recalled some of Trump’s most memorable moments as president.

“Some of the highlights of his lowlights include starting his presidency by decrying ‘American carnage,’ his Muslim travel ban, ‘very fine people on both sides,’ bonding with Putin in Helsinki, bonding with Kim Jong-un in Singapore, bonding with the My Pillow guy everywhere else, wanting to trade Puerto Rico for Greenland, talking about nuking hurricanes or changing their path with a Sharpie, calling the 26 women who accused him of sexual assault ‘liars,’ wishing an accused sex trafficker well, caging asylum seeking children that he tore from their parents, getting impeached for trying to blackmail Ukraine to interfere in our election, completely shanking a pandemic, teargassing peaceful protesters, holding a Bible dumb, undermining faith in our democracy, inciting an angry mob to murder his own vice president, and ruining ‘Y.M.C.A,’” an exhausted Colbert said. “We didn’t even try hard for that list. We were just like, it’s only an hour show.”

But despite all that misery, Colbert found one good thing that’s happened over the last four years. “Throughout all of the craziness and threats to everything we hold sacred, there was one hero who kept our country together. And that’s you. The American people,” he said. “For all of his dangerous assaults on democracy, democracy kicked his ass all the way back to Florida. And in this case, I for one will never be sick of winning.”

You can watch the monologue above.