Tierra Whack is back, but rather than capturing fans’ attention with colorful, surrealist videos and heartfelt, biographical sing-alongs about hating dating in LA, she’s gone back to her Philadelphia battle rap roots, posting a series of tongue-twisting freestyles over classic beats to Instagram. Whether this constitutes part of an album rollout, lyrical exercise, or her convention-breaking tape on the sort of 2000s blog era promo mixtapes rappers put out between albums, it’s been impressive to watch her spit unadorned, egotistical bars of the type that were once hip-hop’s bread and butter.
Previously, she flexed an impressive flow over Ludacris’ 2003 Chicken-N-Beer single, “Stand Up.” Then, just days later, she returned to our Instagram timelines with a verse over Onyx’s 1995 All We Got Iz Us standout, “Last Dayz.” Some hip-hop heads may remember it as one of the backing tracks in the climactic battle sequence of Eminem’s film debut 8 Mile. Others may remember “Last Dayz” for being one of hip-hop’s most beloved tracks to sample as an early example of hardcore hip-hop at its most menacing. However, after this, it may be remembered fondly on commemorative T-shirts, because Whack absolutely slaughters the beat like a 1980s horror film slasher.
Check out the video below, and stay tuned to Tierra Whack, because something tells us she has more up her sleeve.