In his final appearance as Drunk Uncle on SNL (May 20, 2017), Bobby Moynihan wore a red “Make America Drunk Again” hat. Donald Trump must have enjoyed that, as he didn’t realize that you’re not supposed to agree with the racist, sexist, hot take-spewing alcoholic. Moynihan, who currently stars on Mr. Mayor, told the Daily Beast‘s the Last Laugh podcast about doing Drunk Uncle in the episode that the former-president hosted.
“I remember thinking, this is one of the only things in the show that’s actually really bad-mouthing him and pointing out how racist and terrible he is. And he walked up to me afterwards and I’m like, oh no. And he shook my hand. And he was like, ‘Thank you so much. That was so nice to hear such nice things being said.’ And I was like, you moron,” Moynihan recounted. In the Weekend Update segment, Trump’s “number one fan” Drunk Uncle points out the things they have in common (“We both love white Russians”), screams “her name is Bruce” in reference to Caitlyn Jenner, and confuses Michael Che with Ben Carson. “It’s like I’m running for president, y’know?” Oh, we know.
Moynihan continued, “I was saying he’s just like me, I love him. And he was just like, thank you. And I was like, no, you idiot, I thought you were going to be mad and you’re not. And now I’m mad that you’re not mad.” The former-cast member doesn’t think Trump was the worst host during his time on the show, but “he was just delusional… The vibe felt like a bratty, rich child.” You can listen to the podcast here.
And as always, R.I.P. Ass Dan.
(Via the Daily Beast)