While he was working on his acclaimed album After Hours, The Weeknd called on Oneohtrix Point Never (aka Daniel Lopatin) to lend production assistance. Since then, the two have formed a friendly working relationship. The Weeknd appeared on Lopatin’s recent LP, and Lopatin in turn was invited to be the musical director for The Weeknd’s Super Bowl halftime show. In fact, the two musicians enjoy working together so much so that they may be releasing a collaborative project very soon.
Lopatin recently joined Bryce Segall on Radio.com’s New Arrivals show to chat about his work with The Weeknd. During their conversation, Lopatin revealed that the two have a “whole bunch of music” together in the works, which points to the possibility of a joint project:
“Everything was just rolling together for a couple years for us. We have a whole bunch of music in the pipeline, we worked on After Hours, I was sharing my music, we were having discussion all the time, we would get into heated debates about what constitutes an interesting song or good production or whatever and it occurred to me I was having these conversations so frequently with him, that we were just kind of artistically invested in one another, and when he offered to co-exec, I said sure. Like, how could you not.”
Elsewhere in the interview, Lopatin said he’s “tantalized” by the thought of The Weeknd’s fans being exposed to his music by proxy. “I’m tantalized by the idea of mischievously getting legions of Weeknd fans to listen to my bizarre machinations,” he said. “The name Oneohtrix Point Never literal has the trickster embedded in it. My job is to constantly… I don’t wanna allow myself to get comfortable. So if I have an opportunity to do something new that’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. I’m usually saying yes just to see what bizarre results come of it. Its like being able to bend the matrix or whatever”
Listen to Lopatin’s full interview above.