Tomi, stop trying to make “SHAMpeachment” happen, it’s not going to happen.
The Fox Nation contributor has not only been pushing made-up nonsense about election fraud, she’s also been trying to attach a clever (?) nickname to Donald Trump’s impeachment trial. Or should I say, Trump’s SHAMpeachment trail? No, I shouldn’t, because that’s dumb. But it hasn’t stopped Lahren in the past, and it won’t stop her now.
“SHAMPEACHMENT!” she tweeted earlier this week, along with a video of herself defending former-president Trump on Fox Nation. “Pointing out instances of potential voter fraud is not incitement: FACTS. Instructing your supporters to ‘peacefully and patriotically’ make their head voices heard is not incitement: FACTS. You can’t incite something that was pre-planned: FACTS. And lastly, you can’t impeach a president simply because you do not like him and are terrified of his electoral comeback: FACTS,” she said. I’m sorry, but you lost me after the “SHAMPEACHMENT 2.0” chyron.
SHAMPEACHMENT! https://t.co/lq1a8g5NXL pic.twitter.com/cNUqXwWj4D
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) February 10, 2021
Lahren used the not-viral term on Twitter on Friday, as well. Imagine being such a DC swamp rat you think this SHAMpeachment trial matters to any everyday American outside of the trash bin that is liberal Twitter…” she wrote. Lahren’s replies are filled with people pointing out the fallacy of tweeting about something you supposedly don’t care about (“If it doesn’t matter, why do you care? Why waste time posting about something that doesn’t matter? If something doesn’t matter to me, I don’t make time for it. You’ve made time for this, so it clearly matters to you,” one reads), as well as:
SHAMpeachment is really bad, Tomi. I hope it didn’t take you long to come up with that. Although I bet you thought to yourself it was a real humdinger
— Gulag Hash Browns (@partyshirtless) February 12, 2021
Imagine being so small minded that you actually thought SHAMpeachment passed for clever and witty.
— Anthony Franklin (@TonyHausPcola) February 12, 2021
— Peter S (@si1verbean) February 12, 2021
That’s what you came up with
— juanito (@juanjcanguiano) February 12, 2021
Even her fans are rolling their eyes:
I agree with you on most things but you have to stop using nicknames like “SHAMpeachment” and “LAMEstream media” it’s the cringiest shit ever.
— president elect kevin clark (@xkevincl87x) February 12, 2021
It’s like giving yourself a cool nickname that doesn’t stick. But Toyota Lasagna? Now there’s a good nickname.