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Former Trump Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Is Now Peddling Vile, Absurd QAnon Conspiracies About Biden On Twitter

If Republicans are serious about not being “the party of QAnon” — and that’s a big if — they might want to have a chat with Kayleigh McEnany. The former White House press secretary for Donald Trump dipped her toes into the QAnon waters on Wednesday night by twisting President Joe Biden’s words in a pretty disgusting way. Following Biden’s CNN Town Hall where he had a few grandfatherly moments while fielding questions from younger audience members, McEnany capped off the event by making a vile suggestion about Biden’s friendly demeanor with kids, which is something his predecessor lacked.

“Signing off with a final notable quote from Joe Biden during his town hall this evening: Everyone knows I love kids better than people,” McEnany tweeted with the thinking face emoji to put a little mustard on her gross implication.

It’s moments like this that explain why the new White House press secretary Jen Psaki has been greeted so enthusiastically. Right out of the gate, Psaki has pledged not to lie to the American people, which stands in stark contrast to McEnany’s tenure where she was repeatedly caught spreading misinformation from the podium and on Fox News where she often stopped by to defend Trump. McEnany’s questionable relationship with the truth got so bad that CNN’s Jake Tapper refused to even engage with her.

“[She] lies the way that, you know, most people breathe. There was no value in that,” Tapper told his colleague Brian Stetler. “She can’t acknowledge reality. So I am just not going to put somebody like that on air.”

(Via Kayleigh McEnany on Twitter)