The last 24 hours have not been great for Ted Cruz. He’s spent a lot of it traveling, and on airplanes — and during a pandemic, no less. Oh, and he’s been almost constantly in the news, ever since images hit the internet of he and his family boarding a plane for Cancún, all while his fellow Texans froze amidst a freak winter storm. When he tried to explain himself, he essentially put the blame on his daughters. And one of the many people who found that repulsive was Trevor Noah.
Ted Cruz should know that being a good father means putting your kids *on* a bus, not throwing them under it. pic.twitter.com/IeZYIUa7nD
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) February 19, 2021
The Daily Show host used part of his time on Thursday to roast the Texan senator, who’s become a symbol of Republican rot, of ineptitude while people suffered. “Your people are literally eating snow,” Noah proclaimed. “And you’re jetting off to Cancun. How can you be so stupid? Don’t you know how bad this will make you look?” He added, “Look, I get that Ted Cruz is tired. He deserves a break after trying to overthrow the government. But when people say they need water, they didn’t mean find a wet t-shirt contest in Cancun.”
Then Noah got to the part where he said he was just trying to be a good dad — while saying he wouldn’t have done it had his daughters asked. “Oh, I see, we all got this wrong,” said Noah. “He was just chaperoning his girls on the flight to Cancun. Seriously, being a good father means putting them on a bus, not throwing them under one!”
More details have emerged about exactly what prompted Cruz to jet off to Cancún while millions of his fellow Texans lost power. But he has a habit of mysteriously surviving the countless justifiable attacks on his character, to say nothing of the untold times he’s humiliated himself on social media. But maybe this is the scandal — not helping foment the failed MAGA coup of January 6 — that finally puts an end to his long political career. Or probably not.
(Via Deadline)