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Questlove Is Sharing Some Of His Myriad Musical Insights With A New MasterClass

Questlove is commonly regarded as one of the most knowledgeable people when it comes to music and its history. Now, the drummer for The Roots (to grossly simplify everything he does in and beyond the group) is sharing some of his insight with a new MasterClass focused on music curation and DJing.

MasterClass has shared a trailer for the class today, and the description says students of the class can expect to “explore DJ techniques, expand your musical vocabulary, and learn how to glide from genre to genre — including hip-hop, neo-soul, jazz, R&B, and more — to curate your own perfect playlist.” Questlove says in the trailer, “To be honest with you, not drumming in the world’s funkiest group, not the book-writing, not being on late-night television… my first love is records. I’ve been listening [to] and analyzing records since the age of 5. I’ve never shared the method to my madness or my secrets or my creative process in DJing until right now.”

In a statement, Questlove also says, “It’s one thing to listen to music, but it’s another thing to embrace it and have it come to you. Nothing will take the place of the passion that I feel for music, and I hope my MasterClass will open up a portal in your heart so that you learn to love music, find it, and appreciate it.” MasterClass founder and CEO David Rogier also notes, “Questlove’s storied career and unparalleled knowledge and passion for music has made him a music icon and one of the most influential individuals in the industry. In his MasterClass, members will gain a deeper understanding of how to listen to and absorb music so they can deconstruct songs and gain a deeper appreciation of everything they hear.”

Check out the trailer for Questlove’s MasterClass above. The class is available now, so learn more about it here.