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Hillary Clinton Throws A Dagger At The GOP’s ‘Cancel Culture’ Outrage By Reminding Everyone About ‘Freedom Fries’

As the GOP continues its collective freakout over Dr. Seuss books, the Muppets, and genderless potato toys, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has waded into the discourse to remind everyone that the Republican Party doesn’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to “cancel culture.” In a body-dropping tweet on Thursday, Clinton reminded everyone about the post-9/11 days when Republicans demanded that French fries be renamed in the congressional cafeteria after France opposed to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It became a whole thing across the country as conservatives refused to even see the word “French,” which makes their recent concern over “banning” items ring hollow. (Note: None of the things the GOP is mad about are actually banned.)

“The party of “Freedom Fries” would like you to know that “cancel culture” is a very serious problem,” Clinton tweeted, which was enough to get “Freedom Fries” trending on Twitter as folks piled on the GOP for its blatant hypocrisy.

Clinton’s tweet arrives shortly after conservative commentator Tomi Lahren proposed a solution to “cancel culture.” More canceling! Or whatever it is she proposed on Tuesday. Honestly, the whole thing is hard to follow like most of Lahren’s opinions. “It’s time we start fighting back,” Lahren fumed to Fox News. “It’s time we start canceling the companies that cancel other people, that cancel other ideas and say, ‘Hey listen, we don’t like how radical you’re being with your cancel culture so we’re not going to shop there.’”

So cancel culture for some, super double cancel culture for others? Let’s go with that.

(Via Hillary Clinton on Twitter)