The Simpsons has lived through five presidents, three of whom served two terms and two who did not. If it was a person it would have been able to get its license to drive half its life ago. And it’s not going anywhere any time soon: As per Deadline, the crown jewel in Fox’s original TV line-up — which, despite some criticism from old school Simpsons heads, still has its fans — has been renewed for another two seasons, taking it all the way to 2023. In other words, it will turn at least 34, and if it gets another season it could — were it, again, a person, and just to give you some perspective — be old enough to run for president of the United States.
This isn’t a shock: Humanity has surely long passed the point of wondering if the deathless show will ever call it quits. The Simpsons first bowed in late 1989, and ever since then it’s soldiered on no matter what, its characters frozen in the same age lo these last 32 seasons. There was even a big screen movie, released 14 years ago, but its showrunners knew its rightful home was on the small screen, seemingly forever.
The Simpsons may be the longest-running scripted primetime series, and by a lot. The runner-up, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, has “only” been on for 22 seasons. But it’s far from the longest-running scripted TV show. General Hospital, America’s beloved soap opera, has been on since 1963. But then there’s Coronation Street, the British soap opera, which actually holds the record, having been on since 1960, with over 10,000 episodes. Still, 34 seasons is nothing to sneeze at, and there’s no reason to believe it won’t live much, much longer.
(Via Deadline)