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Piers Morgan Getting Dunked On For His Defense Of The Monarchy Is Reminding People Of The Time Someone Called Him A ‘Honey-Glazed Gammon’ To His Face

Piers Morgan never shies away from holding strong and controversial opinions, but his ride-or-die attitude toward the British monarchy has led to more backlash against the Good Morning Britain co-host than usual. Following Piers’ attack on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry (over their Oprah interview), he got thrashed by a Black Good Morning Britain colleague for defending the Royal Family despite some racist remarks (about the color of Archie’s skin) by unidentified members. Piers also stormed off set when a co-host came for him over the seemingly personal beef he feels for Meghan, and all of this chaos is reminding people of the time that someone smugly referred to him as a “honey-glazed gammon” on live morning TV.

To recap a bit, Piers started jousting with Parliament member Ross Greer in early 2019 over the MP’s characterization of Winston Churchill as “a white supremacist mass murderer.” To that notion, the morning show host tweeted, “And you’re a thick ginger turd who’d be spewing this filth in German if it wasn’t for Churchill.”

Greer responded, “Honey-glazed gammon speaks.”

And that led Piers to push back: “I’d like to apologise to any other gingers, thick people or turds offended by association with @Ross_Greer.”

Naturally, Piers decided to speak with Ross Greer on air, where the former declared offense at the latter’s use of clapping emoji. And the subject matter that they discussed is obviously not cut and dry. On one hand, Churchill has been accused by many of being a white supremacist, but on the other hand, Churchill declared war in 1939 against, you know, Adolf Hitler. So, the joy people are feeling about this video really isn’t as much about the substance of the discussion as Greer acknowledging, out loud, “You look like honey-glazed gammon.”

Greer persisted in explaining why his description of Piers was not a racist remark before going on to declare, “It wasn’t Churchill who won the war, it was the soldiers, sailors and airmen, and they voted him out when they came home.” It’s definitely worth nothing that, within one day, the tweet reminding people of this clip has amassed over 10,000 retweets and over 55,000 likes.

Piers kept on digging his hole, by the way (in the below clip), with his vigorous defense of Churchill, who he said “almost single-handedly dragged this country from the abyss in World War 2.” As for Greer, he declared, “We’re unable to talk about this without folk like yourself Piers having a tantrum. That’s very snowflake of you.”

Watch the full segment below.