Pets have become far more present in the work lives of Americans this year, as the pandemic has forced many to work from home where cats, dogs, and other animals roam and don’t understand the difference between you being at home and off and you being at work on your computer. As such, those pets are rather frequent intruders into the now-ubiquitous video calls many have to be on for work.
Usually, that just means only your coworkers have to hear dogs barking or see a cat stroll across the screen, but when you’re Jeff Van Gundy calling a Clippers-Mavs game from home office and your cat decides it’s time for attention, it means the entire NBA viewing public gets introduced to “Neetzy” (or maybe a mispronounced Nietzsche) — who is a “good boy,” per Van Gundy — before you can quickly try to discard him from your desk.
Jeff Van Gundy getting a little
on camera pic.twitter.com/xpXvBWTtOq
— CJ Fogler #BlackLivesMatter (@cjzero) March 18, 2021