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The First ‘Godzilla Vs. Kong’ Reactions Are Stomping In: ‘It’s Like Fast & Furious But With Giant Monsters’

The first social media reactions to Godzilla Vs. Kong are rolling in, and so far, the critics agree that the film gets the most important thing right: giant monsters punching giant monsters. While there are some quibbles over the “human scenes,” for the most part, the early reactions are practically unanimous in declaring that the fight scenes are why people are going to watch this latest installment in the franchise, and it absolutely delivers in that department.

Brandon Davis from Comic Book writes:

I watched #GodzillaVsKong on a big IMAX screen and it was AWESOME. The movie is a blast. It’s like Fast & Furious but with giant monsters. It’s exactly what I wanted it to be. Giant fights and they’re just SO MUCH FUN to watch. It’s a big, ridiculous, awesome movie.

Germain Lussier from io9 had a more tempered reaction where he enjoyed the film’s bombastic fight scenes, but he couldn’t get past some of the non-punchy scenes:

Godzilla vs. Kong has excellent action and effects. The story is crazy ambitious and at times achieves some unique sci-fi-coolness. I’d watch it again for that stuff but most of the human angles are so overstuffed, illogical and pointless, it constantly took me out of it.

But for the most part, critics were in alignment with Uproxx‘s Mike Ryan, who praised the film for delivering incredible fight scenes that you can actually see, which hasn’t always been the case with this franchise:

I absolutely hated the prior Godzilla movie. So here’s the utmost praise I can give a movie like GODZILLA V. KONG: it is a coherent movie with daytime fights and I could always see what was going on. I truly mean that as a compliment.

You can see more early critical reactions to Godzilla Vs. Kong below:

Godzilla Vs. Kong hits theaters and HBO Max on March 31.