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A GOP Candidate From New Jersey Is Being Ridiculed For Going Faux-Cowboy In Texas After Losing In Nevada

The 2021-entering Congressional Republicans included far-right conspiracy theorists like QAnon-loving Marjorie Taylor-Greene and rootin’ tootin. Lauren Boebert, so it makes sense that a grifter might want to rebrand in a similar manner. That appears to be the strategy of Dan Rodimer, who’s introduced his candidacy for Texas’s 6th Congressional District and unleashed one of the most bizarre ads imaginable in the process.

Rodimer (a former WWE wrestler) is seen in full-on cowboy garb while making a grunty face and pretending to take off bull riding, although he’s using a very obvious stunt double, who’s sporting completely different facial hair (both color and length) and is wearing a different vest. No matter, because Rodimer recovers from his “fall” before strutting through the dirt and promising that “Big Dan” will help “Make America Texas Again” because “the commies in D.C. are ruining America,” and he’s got transphobic rhetoric, too. What’s his ultimate goal? To eject Nancy Pelosi after helping to flip the House for the GOP.

If this doesn’t seem real, well, it sort-of isn’t. Yes, Dan Rodimer is running for Congress in Texas, and yes, he’s adopting this “cowboy” persona to do so. However, it all appears to be an act from a guy with a history elsewhere. Multiple places, actually. As unearthed by the Washington Post, Rodimer was born and bred in New Jersey and attended college in Florida. He later relocated to Nevada, where he lost two political elections (a 2019 run for the Nevada legislature and a 2020 bid for U.S. Congress). Here’s a Nevada ad where he’s relatively polished and suited up and not-at-all cowboy-like.

The Washington Post also notes Dan’s arrest record (he and Boebert have that in common), as well as pointing toward how he’s keeping up the act on his campaign website which states, he “has always thought of Texas as his true home.” He further claims to have (at some ambiguous point) owned property in Galveston and to have worked in Houston. Will his cowboy act work to get him elected? Well, his older campaign ads are making the rounds on Twitter with a compare-contrast approach.

It doesn’t seem to be going well!