The People’s Eyebrow continues to keep The People updated on all exciting happenings related to The Rock. That includes his promise-threat to possibly run for president some day and keeping people up to date on “sexiest man”-type declarations, including joking around about refusing to concede People‘s Sexiest Man Alive label to Michael B. Jordan. Well, The Sun did a real doozy over the weekend by highlighting a mysterious analysis by supposed researchers of “times online in blogs, reports and pages found in Google searches” that bald celebrities have been described as “sexy.” Curiously, Prince William came out on top of this list, along with the likes of Mike Tyson, Jason Statham, and Vladimir Putin.
Not that this list really matters, and no one knows who on earth dreamed up such a thing, but it does look (although it may not be) suspicious after the big dust-up over Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s unflattering comments (to Oprah) about the British Royal Family. At least they included Statham on the list (to make it look semi-realistic), but if we’re gonna go there, fellow Fast and Furious franchise stars Vin Diesel and Tyrese Gibson should really be up at the top. For that matter, so should The Rock, but to his credit, he’s not holding himself out as a nominee (this time) while demanding a recount. Instead, he’s nominating Larry Freaking David. Good call.
How in the cinnamon toast f*ck does this happen – when Larry David clearly has a pulse?!?!#demandingrecount
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) March 27, 2021
Oh, and The Rock is loving the hell out of the “cinnamon toast f*ck” term that started circulating last week during the shrimp-tail controversy, and it’s worth noting that he first spied the declaration a tweet by journalist Imani Gandy.
just taking a moment here as I scroll all these comments to stop and say that the term, “how in the cinnamon toast fuck” just made my entire Sunday
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) March 21, 2021
Also, The Rock has officially noted the new release date for his long-gestating debut in the DCEU as frontman for the Black Adam movie. The film got stuck in development and scheduling hell for years (The Rock is a busy dude) even before the pandemic, but it looks like we’ll finally be seeing it on July 29, 2022.
A disruptive and unstoppable global force of a message from the man in black himself
BLACK ADAM is coming July 29, 2022.
The hierarchy of power in the DC Universe is about to change. #BlackAdam
#ManInBlack @blackadammovie pic.twitter.com/MvqadvulSR
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) March 28, 2021