The implosion of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) during a Tucker Carlson interview left the host shocked, and it’s really saying something that Tucker called it “one of the weirdest interviews I’ve ever conducted.” Gaetz had responded to a New York Times report that detailed allegations of him having a relationship with a 17-year-old girl. Given that Gaetz reportedly paid for the girl to travel with him, and the DOJ is investigating whether Gaetz violated sex trafficking laws, this could involve federal crimes. Gaetz wildly claimed to Carlson that he was being extorted by an ex-DOJ official for $25 million (claims he’s repeated on Twitter). And congressional Republicans have remained largely silent on the issue, but it is not going unnoticed — not now, at least — that (as Orlando Weekly and Business Insider are pointing out), Gaetz was the only member of Congress (both House and Senate) to vote against an anti-sex-trafficking bill in 2017.
It’s not a good look, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy fielded questions about Gaetz this morning on a call to Fox News. When the subject of Gaetz’s potentially damning vote on that bill arose, all that McCarthy had to offer was this: “I have no idea whatsoever why he would vote against that.”
“I have no idea whatsoever why he would vote against that” — McCarthy on Gaetz being only Republican to vote against an anti-sex trafficking bill in 2017 pic.twitter.com/h8gdou1kl4
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 31, 2021
If it wasn’t such a serious subject, that answer would be laughable, especially since Gaetz now stands accused of sex-trafficking a minor. He hasn’t been formally charged yet, but if it happens, Congress will be pressed to consider action. McCarthy is already forecasting, though, that the penalty in Congress might not be enormous. In the below clip, he says that Gaetz would be removed from his committee assignments (basically the Marjorie Taylor Greene treatment for GOP wrongdoing in the House), if he’s found guilty as a result of the reported sex-trafficking investigation.
“If it comes out to be true, we would remove him” — Kevin McCarthy says he’ll remove Gaetz from committees if sex trafficking allegations turn out to be true pic.twitter.com/GylpQZ4AoI
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 31, 2021
However, social media won’t let Gaetz go that easily. People are enjoying how Gaetz literally asked for a “Gaetzgate” label on Twitter. In response to Elon Musk doing his wordplay thing on Twitter with a “If there’s ever a scandal about me, *please* call it Elongate,” Gaetz responded, “Deal. I want Gaetzgate.” Screencaps, man.
Be careful what you wish for.#Gaetzgate pic.twitter.com/X5kOJoTtgP
— Rob Anderson (@RobAnderson2018) March 30, 2021