Last month California Governor Gavin Newsom became the subject of a formal recall election, led by state Republican lawmakers. They weren’t unhappy with his handling of the pandemic; it’s his immigration and tax policies they dislike. He already has at least one potential successor: Three sources have told Axios that no less than Caitlyn Jenner, the legendary athlete-turned-reality TV star, is weighing a run for the state’s most powerful gig.
Jenner, who is an outspoken Republican who previously supported former president Donald Trump, refused to comment on the rumor, as did Caroline Wren, the longtime GOP fundraiser alleged to be advising her. If it turns out to be true, it would be Jenner’s third high-profile job. She first made her name in 1976, when she won the Olympic decathlon, putting her on the cover of magazines, even cereal boxes. She returned to the spotlight starting in 2007 with Keeping Up with the Kardashians, chronicling the family into which she married in 1991. She transitioned into a woman in 2015.
If Jenner does go through with it, she’ll be yet another celebrity pivoting towards politics. Matthew McConaughey is reportedly also considering a run for governor, looking to take over his homestate of Texas. People are also urging Dwayne Johnson to do something similar.
(Via Axios)