The many who worked for Trump during his four cataclysmic years in office are currently struggling to find second acts for their careers, and unfortunately there are only so many pundit spots open at Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN. But none have the infamy of Stephen Miller, the former president’s senior advisor. Widely perceived as a draconian, immigrant-hating white nationalist who, like some monsters, is prone to public embarrassment, he’s been trying to rebrand as just another Republican culture warrior. And when he tried to get the band back together, it only lead to social media-wide mockery.
Just had a terrific meeting with President Trump! pic.twitter.com/jGyAnURAky
— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) April 5, 2021
On Monday, Miller posted a photo of him with his old boss on his poorly followed Twitter account. (Seriously, he has just over 20,000 followers. By contrast, likely doomed Trumpist Matt Gaetz has over one million.) “Just had a terrific meeting with President Trump!” he wrote, though it wasn’t clear what a meeting between two unemployed people with zero power in government was supposed to be about.
Whatever matters they discussed didn’t matter. People just wanted to mock this particular meeting of the minds.
You could have stopped after “ever”.
— Sam Aronoff #BLM (@ClashCityKing) April 5, 2021
A meeting about what youre both unemployed https://t.co/tmg6zsprjD
— Three Dog Mike (@M_Lynx_3000) April 5, 2021
Many singled out Trump’s sad attempt to recreate the Oval Office in a much smaller room in the Florida country club where he now resides.
This is like the home office you find in a $150/night Orlando AirBnB. https://t.co/hyXOn7Op1k
— chris evans (@chris_notcapn) April 5, 2021
Imagine leaving a job and having a having a replica of your old desk made so you didn’t feel so meaningless https://t.co/yR1HM8nOPd
— mike is a comrade (@mikelevelsup) April 5, 2021
— Johnathan S. Perkins
(@JohnathanPerk) April 5, 2021
For three thousand and five dollars and ten cents plus tax you too can look like a president. https://t.co/f5RtxwsJ8j pic.twitter.com/Kcda5qna8y
— Dean Barker (@deanbarker) April 5, 2021
You’re a billionaire. You’re living in a country club on the beach in Florida. Why would you dress in a suit and pretend that you’re President? https://t.co/4vzpmFvDV0
— Knight Who Says Ni! (@ValleyoftheFox) April 5, 2021
Some even spotted what looked like a clumsily hidden bottle of Coke, even as the GOP has cancelled the soft drink company for coming out against voter suppression laws in Georgia.
HOLY SHIT. busted. pic.twitter.com/5MsqnI9TSl
— Mr. Newberger (@jeremynewberger) April 5, 2021
Seems like the Coke boycott is going well. pic.twitter.com/F6drJC7YSZ
— Bryan Armen Graham (@BryanAGraham) April 5, 2021
racist are so dumb they tried to hide the @CocaCola bottle behind the phone but we can still see it!! 2 fools worst former guy ever https://t.co/npnbwAbXg4
— Yes It’s ME! Dame
(@YesItsM97576245) April 5, 2021
ha. trump attempted to hide the bottle of coke behind the phone. hows that #BoycottCoke going? https://t.co/tcSyocUeqP
— Jeff Lewis (@ChicagoPhotoSho) April 5, 2021
Some joked about what they might have discussed.
“Remember when we tossed those 8,000 kids across the border last year and sterilized the women? Man…good memories right, boss? I miss it.. Hey, is that a coke behind the phone?”
– Stephen Miller
Ghoul https://t.co/yVgt0wGeBs— Fred Wellman (@FPWellman) April 5, 2021
Others wondered why they were smiling.
They won’t be smiling when the indictments come down. May it be SOON. Also, Stephen Miller aka #SatansSnotRag merits his own special tribunal for crimes against humanity. https://t.co/hqMFHQ393p
— Barbara Malmet (@B52Malmet) April 5, 2021
Miller has been busy. On Sunday he launched into a thread about the MLB also coming out against Georgia’s new voter laws, attempting to wax nostalgic for baseball as “the American sport.” People weren’t buying him trying to sound human, even amidst some culture war nonsense.
Stephen Miller’s tweets read like sponsored content but they’re just trying to sell the idea that he’s not a white nationalist but he is. https://t.co/Jrbhkk3CVb
— Molly Jong-Fast
(@MollyJongFast) April 5, 2021
Some mocked his attempt at moving prose.
Stephen Miller writes like an eighth grader trying to imitate Ken Burns. pic.twitter.com/TzFlRGvWue
— Tommy Vietor (@TVietor08) April 5, 2021
Others said they don’t mind him nor others like him from skipping MLB games.
Absolutely devastated at the thought of attending a baseball game without people like Stephen Miller and Mike Huckabee in the stands
— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) April 5, 2021
And others reminded us that very few people are seeing Miller’s tweets that aren’t ratioed.
This 19-year-old Mexican immigrant currently working on getting young people into politics has more significantly more Twitter followers than Stephen Miller.
…and I think that’s beautiful. pic.twitter.com/SdQ3WC5bic
— Santiago Mayer (@santiagomayer_) April 5, 2021