Former Fox News host Eric Bolling stormed out of a BBC Newsnight interview on Wednesday night after he was called out for his remarks while debating the controversial Election Integrity Act in Georgia. Bolling argued that corporations like Major League Baseball pulling out of the state in protest would harm Black communities and business, which did not sit well with fellow guest Aisha Mills, who called Republicans and Bolling’s sudden concern for Black Americans “a lie.”
“I am a Black person in America,” Mills told Bolling. “Everything that these voting laws stand for is all about racial discrimination. How dare you try to act like you are somehow a proponent of Black people and businesses just to make a point and try to create a wedge? It’s ignorant and it’s just disrespectful.”
After yelling that Mills’ statement is “not fair” and that “you don’t know me,” Bolling prepared to storm off after the 5:00 mark.
As a controversial new voting law in the US state of Georgia is passed, companies are under pressure. But should corporations take a stand when it comes to social and political issues?
Political commentators @AishaMoodMills and @ericbolling debate
#Newsnight pic.twitter.com/LoH3MNdPnh
— BBC Newsnight (@BBCNewsnight) April 7, 2021
Via Mediaite:
“You know what? That’s disgusting,” Bolling replied. “I’m done. Put me off. That’s disgusting. I am nowhere near anything you are painting me to be, and the problem with America politics is exactly that. Because I’m white, you think I’m racist? That’s BS. I’m done.”
For a moment, it seemed like host Emily Maitlis had calmed Bolling down, and he agreed to stay if Mills apologized. However, she wasn’t backing down from her remarks. “I’m not going to apologize for being offended,” Mills said, which prompted Bolling to walk out of the interview in a huff.
(Via BBC Newsnight on Twitter & Mediaite)