Unlike fellow Oscar nominees Nomadland and Mank, Promising Young Woman is not available on one of the major streaming services like Netflix or Hulu. It is accessible through on-demand for a worthwhile six bucks, but if you’re a broke college student (which is to say, every college student), there’s a way to see it for free.
Focus Features has partnered with the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN) for a free virtual screening of Promising Young Woman for anyone in college. The dark-comedy thriller is about a woman, played by Carey Mulligan, seeking out vengeance on the “nice guys” of the world after her best friend is raped. “By bringing the film to students, both Focus and RAINN hope to continue the conversation against sexual assault and violence on college campuses,” Variety reports. “Statistically, 13 percent of all students experience sexual assault or rape during their time at school.”
“Sexual violence can affect not only the survivor, but the people and communities around them,” said Heather Drevna, RAINN’s vice president of communications. “Promising Young Woman has sparked important conversations about the cultural response to sexual assault, healing, justice, and bystander accountability. We thank Focus Features for making Promising Young Woman available to college students, who are at increased risk of sexual violence, to continue this critical dialogue.”
Promising Young Woman is nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Original Screenplay for Emerald Fennell, and Best Actress for Mulligan. For information on how to attend the screening, head here.
(Via Variety)