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Ted Cruz’s Accusation Of Maxine Waters ‘Encouraging Riots And Violence’ Got Called Out By CNN’s John Berman

CNN New Day anchor John Berman decided to kick off the week by calling out Ted Cruz on Monday morning. In a three-minute segment dedicated to Cruz’s heavily documented role in stoking the flames of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol building, Berman took the Texas senator to task for his criticism of Congresswoman Maxine Waters. In a situation that he calls, “The pot calling the kettle violent,” Berman laid out his argument that Cruz has no room to talk when it comes to chastising others for stirring up political unrest.

Like all things Cruz, it started with a tweet. On Sunday morning, the Senator accused Waters of “actively encouraging riots & violence” after Waters gave the following answer when asked what will happen if the Derek Chauvin trial returns a not guilty verdict. “We’ve got to stay on the streets, we’ve got to get more active, we’ve got to get more confrontational, we’ve got to make sure they know we mean business,” Waters told reporters in Minneapolis.

Considering Cruz’s hand in the Trump rally that devolved into an outright insurrection, Berman dragged Cruz for his attack on Waters. Via Forbes:

“It’s not like this guy is some peaceful prophet of gentility,” said Berman. “This is the man who wants to do unspeakable things to books that say mean things about him,” referring to a social media post by Cruz where he asked if he should “machine gun” the new book by former House Speaker John Boehner, or merely “chainsaw it.”

“But Ted Cruz needs to look in the mirror, which can be tough—especially for him,” Berman said. “Because you know what they say: when the going gets tough, the pot goes to Cancun.”

You can watch Berman’s full segment on Cruz below:

(Via John Berman on Twitter)