In an effort to support the women who have come forward with allegations against Armie Hammer, only to have people try and discredit their claims, artist Julia Morrison is taking advantage of NFT technology to “authenticate” disturbing text messages that she received from Hammer as recently as August 2020. By using the increasingly popular blockchain process that could have seismic changes on the art world, Morrison believes she’s found a way to nail down Hammer and anyone who questioned the validity of his alleged victims’ accusations. Via The Daily Beast.
“The NFT is the new notary. What I’ve done is, anyone who questions the authenticity of these exchanges, I have now created light boxes with them, and I minted them as NFTs in order to say that these things are authentic and real. It’s like a checkmate.”
According to Morrison, Hammer slid into her Instagram DMs back in 2017, but she didn’t notice the messages until years later when her friends alerted her that the actor was following her account. After striking up a conversation with Hammer about how the rich kept getting richer during the pandemic, he allegedly began making comments about wanting a sex slave after recently being in a country where royalty and wealth allows you to do “very weird” things.
“I have a fantasy about having someone prove their love and devotion and tying them up in a public space at night and making their body free use and seeing if they will f*ck strangers for me,” Hammer wrote, which naturally concerned Morrison and made the exchange an obvious choice for her NFT art project:
“I just can’t get it out of my head. I posted about the greatest wealth transfer we’ve ever seen in the history of humankind, and here we have this rich dude sliding into my DMs trying to lure me in.”
Morrison plans to donate some of the money to charity, but more importantly, she wants to shift the conversation from Hammer losing film roles and put it back on his allegedly abusive behavior where it belongs. “What I’m doing is basically taking Armie Hammer’s head, I’m shrinking it, and I’m putting it on a stake on the outside of the house of #MeToo,” Morrison said. “This is to stand in solidarity and to say believe women and to believe these women’s stories.”
(Via The Daily Beast)