Thanks to his latest gaslighting press conference, one of Ted Cruz‘s more brutal nicknames has resurfaced and is already trending on Twitter. While standing outside of the Capitol on Thursday morning, Cruz bemoaned reported efforts by Democrats to expand the Supreme Court, which he actually tried to claim with a straight face that manipulating the court is something that Republicans would never do. (They have. Several times.) “You didn’t see Republicans when we had control of the Senate try to rig the game,” Cruz told reporters. “You didn’t see us try to pack the court.”
Not one to miss a golden opportunity to dunk on Cruz, political consultant Rick Wilson blasted the Republican senator’s hypocrisy with a Marvel-themed insult: “Fat Wolverine doesn’t understand that reality has all the receipts.”
Fat Wolverine doesn’t understand that reality has all the receipts. https://t.co/rv2rCEnOam
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) April 22, 2021
While Wilson has trotted out “Fat Wolverine” before, we’re in a golden age of watching Cruz get dragged, so people were particularly on board with the X-Men barb and quickly made it trend.
Who had Ted Cruz being called “Fat Wolverine” on their 2021 Bingo card? pic.twitter.com/M3p3CLZE26
— NUFF (@nuffsaidny) April 22, 2021
I saw “fat Wolverine” trending and thought my @DannyDeVito wish finally came true….
…it’s about @tedcruz pic.twitter.com/YOnFwGYxkT
— Jason E. Dunlap, Winter Soldier, Ret. (@Red_eyedjedi) April 22, 2021
I thought the “Fat Wolverine” trending topic was gonna be an actu chonky wolverine or illustrations that would fill @_Lolo_ohno_ with glee but nah it’s just Ted Cruz and that sewer drain on the front of his face.
Disappointment abounds.
— Pirate Artisans (@pirateartisans) April 22, 2021
Saw Fat Wolverine trending and Look to see it’s Ted Cruz. pic.twitter.com/OBpwJ78cye
— Anthony Tilghman (@AnthonyTilghman) April 22, 2021
When you see “Fat Wolverine” trending and you just know it’s about Ted Cruz. pic.twitter.com/aVO8lRFK4Q
(@realHirondelle) April 22, 2021
As for the receipts that Wilson speaks of, here are just a few examples of Republicans gaming the Supreme Court nomination process over the years. Via The Daily Beast:
Cruz and other Republican senators, of course, held up then-President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court 2016 nomination of Merrick Garland for nearly a year in hopes to carry it over to a Republican administration. (This ultimately resulted in Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation in 2017.) At the same time, Republicans ignored their own precedent of confirming election-year Supreme Court justices when they rammed through Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination just a week before the 2020 election.
In fact, Cruz personally threatened to block any nominations to the ninth seat (that ultimately went to Gorsuch) if Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election, so maybe Cruz should put his claws back in on this one.
(Via Rick Wilson on Twitter)