No one really knows what kind of magic that Donald Trump is working down at the Mar-a-Lago, but a certain GOP contingent can’t let him go. In fact, they (even Ted Cruz, despite Trump trashing his wife during the 2016 election) are going absolutely wild over any opportunity to meet up with the ex-president (the guy who arguably cost his party the Senate and House majorities) for a photo op. The party isn’t limited to right-wing congresspeople, either. Newsmax anchor Greg Kelly proudly showed off his fresh souvenir photo with Trump, and oh boy, it is something.
Kelly’s the same fellow who recently got roasted for claiming that he got so high on “grass” that he blacked out and woke up in Kenya, so take this as you will. His caption is amazing: “Chillin’ with 45! (And yes. Those are BUGLE BOY jeans I’m wearing)”
Chillin’ with 45! (And yes. Those are BUGLE BOY jeans I’m wearing) pic.twitter.com/g8EwzRgrAs
— Greg Kelly (@gregkellyusa) May 6, 2021
Was Kelly really taking it back to the 1980s with Bugle Boy jeans?
I always wondered what kind of dude pays $1200 for cargo PANTS. pic.twitter.com/ZXb4bfngrs
— Schooley (@Rschooley) May 6, 2021
The subject became a hotly debated one. Were they Balmain pants (those would be some hellaciously expensive pants, somewhere between $1200 and $1400, even), or another brand entirely?
lmao pic.twitter.com/A9cAjeDioZ
— Ken Klippenstein (@kenklippenstein) May 6, 2021
Who the fuck spends $1400 on cargo pants lmaooooo
— .sad. (@PassTheBic) May 6, 2021
Actually they are 96.99 from aliexpress. Balmain cargo pants only have 1 zipper pocket but the knock offs have 2. Odd thing to lie about. pic.twitter.com/PaTFQmSumM
(@Irish_Rose14) May 7, 2021
Well, Kelly went on the defense and claimed that he was only joking about the “Bugle Boy” thing, and he’s officially going with “BALMAIN” as the designer ID on the pants. Whether or not that’s true, who knows? Whatever the case, Kelly is tired of “[e]veryone busting my CRACKERS over the ‘pants.” He’d also like everyone to know that “my shoes are by Ferragamo. Basically, I’m a Sharp Dressed Man. Thank you !”
Everyone busting my CRACKERS over the “pants”—(partially my fault because I called attention to them with the Bugle Boy comment). The truth is, they’re BALMAIN (the most prestigious brand in PANTS)—my shoes are by Ferragamo. Basically, I’m a Sharp Dressed Man. Thank you ! pic.twitter.com/sDgtoGy9Ol
— Greg Kelly (@gregkellyusa) May 6, 2021
Kelly’s insistence that his pants are the “most prestigious brand in PANTS” pushed everyone over the edge. Happy Friday, well, for everyone other than Balmain. They’re probably scratching heads over the styling.
Are these the pants you were wearing when you smoked jazz cigarettes and ended up in Kenya https://t.co/AmovGRDIDW pic.twitter.com/Dda6M1aPE0
Imani Gandy
(@AngryBlackLady) May 7, 2021
No one at Balmain intended for these pants to be styled thus. No. https://t.co/d9FnN3tWgd
— Jessica Bradley Rushing (@jbradleyrushing) May 7, 2021
Everyone busting my CRACKERS about my posse’s mom jeans, but the truth is, they’re BALMAIN (the most prestigious brand in PANTS). pic.twitter.com/x6f7Ou8cwo
— Fiona Taylor (@fionaleslie) May 7, 2021
When Balmain sees why they’re trending pic.twitter.com/ZKxPzYnDh0
— Ash (@footlesspants) May 7, 2021
Tough day for Balmain and Ferragamo. https://t.co/lhiuaX06LG
— Franklin Leonard (@franklinleonard) May 7, 2021
Having the means to buy Balmain pants is not the same as having the style sense to not look ridiculous in them
— A Shady Dame From Seville (@SorayaMcDonald) May 7, 2021
Man said they can’t be ugly because they BALMAIN. Sir, the exit is over there
— Metroid Boomin
(@MelanatedSamus) May 7, 2021
Greg Kelly they are actually Balmain
Balmain pic.twitter.com/Q5PL8mLgBC
— DKT (@darleneturner53) May 7, 2021
BALMAIN Summer 2021 pic.twitter.com/IXJCdF7BOz
— juicy (@juicylifeforce) May 7, 2021