Tucker Carlson’s been filling his Fox News hour of late with anti-vaccination screeds aplenty. Last week’s installments included his false claims that the COVID vaccine has killed thousands of people. And of course, he was citing an open source website (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS) where anyone can write anything, true or not. He then attempted to cover his butt by somehow blaming Joe Biden for the website’s existence, and long story short: Tucker’s only building upon his reputation as a conspiracy-pushing, fear-mongering anger bear, but this time, the results will chip away at herd immunity and be inarguably dangerous.
Even more dangerous than Tucker telling his viewers to harass people who wear masks outside? For sure, although Tucker’s pattern of escalation on this issue is impressive, even for him, although it’s worth noting that Tucker has not articulated whether or not he’s received the shot (as Fox News head honcho Rupert Murdoch definitely has). And that’s made people wonder whether Tucker’s being hypocritical and maybe secretly got the shot, but he’s pulling all of these theatrics for ratings?
It’s to the point where CNN medical advisor/analyst Jonathan Reiner called for Tucker to own up on whether he’s actually been vaccinated. “I have two questions for Tucker Carlson,” Reiner declared to Jim Acosta. “Number one, have you been vaccinated? And number two, why won’t you tell your audience whether you’ve been vaccinated? I’m tired of his nonsense.”
>> @JReinerMD: “I have two questions for Tucker Carlson. Number one, have you been vaccinated? And number two, why won’t you tell your audience whether you’ve been vaccinated? I’m tired of his nonsense.” pic.twitter.com/uHSubupV8m
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) May 10, 2021
This question followed a highlighting of Tucker’s baseless claims that people must resist the COVID vaccine, or they will be forced to get “a lot more shots after this.” Acosta remarked, “I honestly don’t know what the hell he’s talking about,” to which Reiner concluded, “Yeah, so I think he’s really a saboteur.”
Well, Reiner isn’t the only person who’d like a simple answer from Tucker.
Has Tucker Carlson been vaccinated?
And if he HAS been vaccinated why is he using Fox’s platform to spread dangerous vaccine skepticism?
Is it because to keep getting Fox viewers sick so we cannot get the pandemic under control?
Was #TuckerVaxxed?
We’re just asking questions.
— Adam Rifkin is half-vaccinated.
(@ifindkarma) May 10, 2021
Hey @TuckerCarlson –
You got vaccinated, didn’t you? Why not tell the truth? #TuckerVaxxed— ken olin
(@kenolin1) May 10, 2021
You mean the poster child for untalented unchecked white male privilege? $5 says #TuckerVaxxed in secret months ago just like the former guy, because that’s what spineless traitorous opportunistic hacks do #FireTuckerCarlson https://t.co/xHO3PK3SQE
— Tara Dublin, Untapped Writing Goldmine #SignTara (@taradublinrocks) May 10, 2021
If Tucker Carlson cared about the health and safety of others he’d get a vasectomy and the vaccine.
#TuckerVaxxed— Mayo (@MayoIsSpicyy) May 10, 2021
Whether Tucker Carlson is vaccinated or not is not the issue. It’s his lies to the public that could result in people dying. Tucker Carlson and Fox News are truly the enemy of the people #TuckerVaxxed
— (((DeanObeidallah))) (@DeanObeidallah) May 10, 2021
POS fascist frozen chicken king Tucker Carlson is definitely vaccinated.
He’s lying to his zombie cult, sowing chaos & distrust.
That stupid cackling bow tied fearmongering propaganda vomiter must be arrested & charged with public endangerment & gross negligence.#TuckerVaxxed
— The USA Singers (@TheUSASingers) May 10, 2021
Tucker Carlson didn’t just get vaccinated. He probably elbowed a queue of healthcare workers & seniors to the floor to get to the front of the line. #TuckerVaxxed
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) May 10, 2021
Fox News endangers the public peddling falsehoods about the COVID-19 vaccines through it’s main mouthpiece Tucker Carlson. #FoxsFriends fund “Tucker Carlson Tonight” with YOUR ADVERTISING DOLLARS.
RT #FoxsFriends#TuckerVaxxed #wtpBLUE #ONEV1 #DemVoice1 pic.twitter.com/7QkfSkayMt
— Stand For Better (@StandForBetter) May 10, 2021
Tucker Carlson got vaccinated, he knows that it is safe, he is lying to his viewers. Tucker is a lying coward. #TuckerVaxxed https://t.co/92h2kv2g1e
— Curlyque (@curlyquequeque) May 10, 2021
Also, this:
Remember when your parents said if you don’t fix your face it will stay like that? Tucker’s face stayed like that. #TuckerVaxxed pic.twitter.com/ukQ9m1pjSr
— Alex Cole (@acnewsitics) May 10, 2021