Piers Morgan’s relentless bullying of Meghan Markle did not go unnoticed when he pounced upon Chrissy Teigen over Courtney Stodden. Of course, Piers is an incorrigible bully who keeps attacking Markle for the silliest of reasons, after he threw an on-air temper tantrum at Good Morning Britain and left his job. In the aftermath, he’s resorted to throwing tantrums in his Daily Mail column and on Twitter, where he’s free to rage over frozen yogurt to keep his anger-bear tendencies satisfied.
Naturally, Piers has never apologized for attacking Meghan because he’s so mad at being ignored after they went on one pub date, years ago. He certainly doesn’t see his own hypocrisy for attacking Chrissy Teigen over her decade-old bullying of Courtney Stodden. Make no mistake — what Chrissy wrote to Courtney (both publicly on Twitter and through private DMs) was atrocious (telling her to take a “dirt nap,” among other things, and allegedly telling Courtney to kill herself in a private message). This week, though, Chrissy made a public apology while labeling herself “an insecure, attention seeking troll” who is “ashamed and completely embarrassed at my behavior.” And it’s important to note that Chrissy is not being celebrated or anything. In fact, the opposite is happening because Stodden Instagrammed a screenshot of Chrissy blocking her on Twitter and wrote, “It feels like a public attempt to save her partnerships with Target and other brands who are realizing her ‘wokeness’ is a broken record.”
Still, Piers (the ultimate bully) isn’t going to score any points by pouncing on Chrissy. He did so while calling her a “wokie” and wondering why Chrissy hasn’t been “cancelled.” He wondered, “Does she get a pass for her despicable conduct because she’s a wokie?”
Does Ms Teigen, the Canceller-in-Chief of celebrity cancel culture, now get cancelled herself then?
Or does she get a pass for her despicable conduct because she’s a wokie? https://t.co/s8PFWSvUJe— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) May 12, 2021
Naturally, this led to responses that asked Piers if he was ever going to apologize for all of his troll-like behavior, particularly against Meghan Markle. It’s a valid question, but no one should hold their breath waiting for him to own up.
Ironic coming from you. You bullied Meghan and wanted a pass
— ♕J♕ (@IcyHiccup) May 12, 2021
anyone who walks off the set of his own show has cancelled himself. You have no moral authority to say anything, Piers.
— Just Jeff #UTC #CFC (@JeffreyPHill) May 12, 2021
Really from the bloke who stormed off his own show cos the weather man disagreed with him.
— andrea #ToryTraitors
#SardinesUK (@AndreaAndreamax) May 12, 2021
At least she apologised for her bullying of another female
— Mark Mcghee
(@markguccimcghee) May 12, 2021
She is apologizing and showing the world she has a sense of shame. When will you apologize for the damage you’ve done to others @piersmorgan ?
— ML Real Patriots = Dems
(@ML_Speaks) May 12, 2021