Who knew that in the year of our lord Olivia Rodrigo 2021, dating apps would be the battleground on which vaccinated singles and anti-vaxxers would wage their final war?
In case you missed it, President Joe Biden’s been working with popular dating apps like Tinder and Bumble to encourage young singles to get their shot. These platforms provide incentives for members who can prove they’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19. Sure, the real perk of getting jabbed is that your risk of contracting a deadly virus (that’s killed hundreds of thousands in this country alone) lowers exponentially, but hey, millennials and Gen-Zers want to get laid too. Win, win.
Except now, the anti-vax community is taking a page from Biden’s social media marketing push by offering up their own dating app specifically for singles who don’t get the COVID-19 vaccine. No, really. It’s called “Unjected” — we know, the jokes write themselves — and it claims to be a service created by two mothers in Hawaii who “believe in true science & the scientific method.”
According to the platform’s website, its creators believe that “Covid-19 vaccines are shedding dangerous spike proteins” and that “those who have chosen not to be a part of the trials have documented adverse events after being exposed to the Vaccinated.” Fact check: this is obviously not true. Still, the ladies want to offer a safe space for unvaccinated individuals to “come together uncensored through business, friendship or love.” Because, you know, public spaces like grocery stores and that annual family barbeque is now going to be off-limits unless you’re fine possibly dying from a completely preventable virus.
This is an actual graphic from Unjected’s Instagram page:
And so is this:
Now look, we can’t really tell if this is a parody, or just an idea so absurd, so devoid of brain cell function that it just reads like a parody. Also, anti-vax rhetoric is becoming increasingly dangerous for society as a whole, so we don’t want to downplay the seriousness of how harmful this kind of thinking really is.
But dammit, some Twitter comebacks are just too good to ignore.
To be followed up shortly by the dating app for those with chronic respiratory issues
— Carl Spackler (@kj20192) May 27, 2021
Tinder for antivaxers. Got it. pic.twitter.com/o54sX3OO9Z
— AspiringOne (@AspiringOne) May 27, 2021
“Are you looking for a lifelong relationship that won’t last that long?’
— Eric Williams (@Eric_Williams_1) May 27, 2021
Tagline: “Love on a ventilator.”
— Linda Childers (@lindarchilders) May 27, 2021
I know this is far beyond the point, but as a former copy editor and a self admitted grammar nerd…shouldn’t it be “Uninjected”? I mean, “Unjected” sounds like a dating app for folks who didn’t propel themselves from the cockpit of a fighter plane that was spiraling to earth.
— Ashley
No lists (@AshleyApple17) May 27, 2021