Republicans have been adamant about supporting Israel during their bloody fight with Hamas. They’ve also, at the same time, been making light of the Holocaust. Marjorie Taylor Greene, of course, led the charge, doubling and tripling and quadrupling down on offensive comparisons between mask mandates and…the systematic slaughter of over six million Jewish people during World War II. Now a hat store in Nashville is under fire for going the next stop: selling Yellow Star of David badge to troll people who want to stay safe during a once-in-a-century pandemic.
The owner of hatWRKS is smiling while wearing her yellow star (that she’s selling for 5 bucks). She must think she’s so clever. Such a horrible woman!#ConsequenceCulture pic.twitter.com/ba7S1YMJTd
— Jon Cooper
(@joncoopertweets) May 30, 2021
For those who somehow thought that the Nashville woman was just misguided (or that it is an over-reaction on my part to be so incensed):
This was a Star of David; yellow; & a patch. This was not an error. This was vile. https://t.co/Ikxbn5FQrW pic.twitter.com/akCwpaQC9z
— (((Howard Forman))) (@thehowie) May 29, 2021
As per NBC News, a store called Hatwrks in the Tennessee capital started advertising yellow badges with the word for “Jew” replaced by “not vaccinated.” The badges were used by Axis powers to mark religious outsiders. Much like Greene’s recent controversial comparisons, the store’s new line of merchandise were widely deemed as deeply offensive, with claims that they were making light of a culture war, and for money. (The badges were being sold for $5 a pop.)
Protesters descended upon the hat store, some even tying a sign that read “No Nazis in Nashville” across the storefront.
And here’s the scene at Hatworks/Hateworks today… pic.twitter.com/7LorTIvIKR
— The Tennessee Holler (@TheTNHoller) May 29, 2021
The owners, however, remained adamant about their Star of David merch, saying people should be more outraged by the “tyranny the world is experiencing,” which is to say public health measures meant to finally put an end to a pandemic.
Then they started losing suppliers. Stetson, the iconic cowboy hat peddler, announced they were ceasing the sale of all their products to the store, condemning the “offensive content.” Other lines started following suit, including Kangol and Tula Hats.
As a result of the offensive content and opinions shared by HatWRKS in Nashville, Stetson and our distribution partners will cease the sale of all Stetson products. We thank you for your continued support and patience.
— John B. Stetson (@StetsonUSA) May 29, 2021
Around that time, the store took to Instagram once more, trying to apologize. “My intent was not to exploit or make a profit,” the statement read. “My hope was to share my genuine concern & fear, and to do all that I can make sure that nothing like that ever happens again. I sincerely apologize for any insensitivity.”
But people weren’t buying it.
Insincerity: A Play in Five Acts
— Dr. S.J. Pearce
(@homophonous) May 30, 2021
What a difference a dollar makes.#Hatewrks #Stetson pic.twitter.com/rrccC8NolT
— JAKE (@USMC_O311) May 30, 2021
Some pointed out that Stetson is not exactly considered a line for woke snowflakes.
when STETSON, the COWBOY HAT MANUFACTURER, has distance themselves from your right-wing lunacy, ask yourself, just how far from the path have you strayed https://t.co/SnwbhXtj7B
— Claire Willett (@clairewillett) May 30, 2021
And some found themselves congratulating the company for doing the right thing.
A tip of the Stetson, to those who make Stetsons. https://t.co/Vv1K45c7TN
— Dan Rather (@DanRather) May 30, 2021
Great Job Stetson.
Anti-semitism can never be tolerated. https://t.co/r5WioaAxww
— Chris Hahn (@ChristopherHahn) May 30, 2021
A Nashville hat store called HatWRKS is selling Star of David patches with “not vaccinated” on it to mock those who are vaccinated whilst being anti-Semitic in the process.
After learning of this, Stetson and other companies have pulled their products from the entity. Well done.
— Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) May 30, 2021
Others pointed out the strange disconnect defending Israel while trivializing the Holocaust.
Republicans: Criticizing Israel in any way is antisemitic.
Also Republicans: We made the Star of David patches that Nazis forced Jews to wear into a hilarious meme!
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) May 29, 2021
(Via NBC News)