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Piers Morgan Is Teasing A Possible Return To ‘Good Morning Britain’: ‘Never Say Never’

Piers Morgan is a bit of an enigma. Though he has become best known to global audiences for his awkward obsession with Meghan Markle, he’s also regularly starting Twitter beefs with people who quite literally don’t really even know who he is (see: his painfully embarrassing correspondence with The Wire creator David Simon). Yet, through it all and against all odds, Morgan—a 56-year-old man who tried to start sh*t with Demi Lovato over frozen yogurt—seems to have remained gainfully employed for the past 30-odd years for engaging in exactly these kind of antics. And, if you’re willing to believe the Sun, some people are actually interested in hearing what he has to say.

As Vanity Fair reports, Good Morning Britain—the a.m. talk show that Morgan stormed off the set of in early March, never to return—has seen a drop-off in its ratings ever since its resident loudmouth’s departure. Morgan told the paper that GMB has “reached out—there have been approaches,” adding: “Never say never.” Which, for Britons, might be more of a threat than a passing comment.

But bad takes are just one of Morgan’s recurring issues; knowing when to keep his mouth shut is yet another problem. At this very moment, he’s getting a lot of heat for calling Naomi Osaka an “arrogant spoiled brat” for choosing to walk away from the French Open if speaking to the press was part of what was required of her. True to form, Morgan then found a way to relate the situation back to Markle, writing in his Daily Mail column:

“This is straight out of the Meghan and Harry playbook of wanting to have the world’s largest cake and eating it, by exploiting the media for ruthlessly commercial self-promotion but using mental health to silence any media criticism.”

Reminder: This is coming from a man who walked off a TV show when he was facing criticism. Pot, meet kettle. As for whether GMB is seriously considering bringing Morgan back, only time will tell. In the meantime, Morgan is treating the news of his former employer’s ratings decline in precisely the mature way you’d expect.

(Via Vanity Fair)