After making the decision to cancel their 2020 event because they refused to “risk even one Juggalo life,” Insane Clown Posse herald their return with an extremely bonkers announcement. Officially unveiling the dates to their 2021 Gathering Of The Juggalos, Insane Clown Posse say the “great and hallowed jubilee of Juggalo souls” will be one for the books.
The group noted that their 21st annual event will kick off the weekend of August 19 to 21 in Thornville, Ohio at Legend Valley. The rest of their announcement didn’t hold much relevant information but did say they will “rise from he ashes” to “rebuild our Greatest Show”:
“Luv rises from the ash like the Butterfly as we join together once more in reunion, in celebration, for the mighty Dark Carnival! This great and hallowed jubilee of Juggalo souls will feature the unbreakable bonds of a tribe that has traveled lifetimes, running and chopping through every obstacle, with hatchets in our hands and clown luv in our hearts. Know this, straight from the depths of our souls: This will be a Gathering for the True Juggalos. The chosen. The Family! Know that it will be different from past Gatherings as we rise from the ashes and work to rebuild our Greatest Show. It will be a new fire. A new moment in Juggalo history, as we rebuild, refresh, renew, and rise, igniting the spark of our new dawn together. The time has come for a new beginning. Quietly, distant in the woods, you can hear the sound and feel the ground tremble with the vibrations of music and laughter–moments that last Forever. The mighty Wagons of the Dark Carnival creak and moan as they reawaken and roll on. Listen closely and you will hear… the call… of the Butterfly. The Juggalo Nation will Rise!”
While the group’s announcement didn’t really shed light onto what exactly goes down at the annual Gathering Of The Juggalos, Succession‘s Cousin Greg has that covered. Apparently, the actor Nicholas Braun was preparing for a role in a now-canceled film where he played a character who was a big fan of Insane Clown Posse. He attended a former Gathering Of The Juggalos to take notes, saying after he drank “the grossest alcohol” he could get, he found himself on stage with a hundred other juggalos where they “were all drenched in a solf drink called Faygo.”
See Insane Clown Posse’s full announcement below.