As president, Donald J. Trump wasn’t just evil and he wasn’t just stupid. He was also weird. Every day, it seemed, he gifted the world with something uniquely bizarre. You probably forget about some of them. Remember the orb? Him telling a seven-year-old Santa isn’t real? Kim Jong-un’s giant letter? The hidden Coke bottle? The weirdness, it piled up. We don’t get that every day, like we used to. But perhaps one can take comfort in this: On Saturday, he gave a speech while appearing to have his pants on backwards. He’s still got it!
Others are noting this, but it can’t be shared enough: Donald Trump gave his big speech today with his pants on backwards. Look close and tell me I’m
— Brandon Friedman (@BFriedmanDC) June 6, 2021
The president-turned-failed blogger made a now-rare public appearance at a to-do for North Carolina’s Republican party. It was a greatest hits show. He bashed Biden. He spread 2020 election lies. He tried to take credit for the COVID-19 vaccine. He slurred words. In other words, he gave the people what they wanted. And he did it all while appearing to wear pants that didn’t have a zipper, at least in the front, where it’s supposed to be.
This was probably not true. The professional debunkers at Snopes declared the claim that he had backwards or elastic dress pants false, saying there was other footage from the same speech where he clearly had pants.
Thousands of anti-Trump people are tweeting a false claim about the former president’s pants. Great work, excellent use of time
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) June 6, 2021
But the damage was already done.
Yep, Trump with his pants on backwards is trending because of course it is.#TrumpPants
— James Elliott (@JamesElliott8) June 6, 2021
Some remarked on how far he’s fallen. Sort of.
Just incredible that at no point did he go “huh something’s a little off here” as he zipped himself up on the ass
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) June 6, 2021
A FORMER president giving a speech about the country moving in the wrong direction while wearing his pants on backwards is just about all my astonishment can take. #TrumpSpeech #Trumppants #pants #PantsOnBackwards
— Buddy Winston (@BuddyWinston) June 6, 2021
Just think a short while ago he could launch nuclear missiles, now he can’t even put his trousers on! #Trumppants
— JohnGP (@johngpuk) June 6, 2021
Others made Kris Kross jokes.
Kris Kross will make ya, Trump Trump.
I hate myself.#TrumpSpeech
— Brian Guest (@brguest20) June 6, 2021
Want to feel old? This is what Kris Kross looks like today.
— Stephen Douglas (@Stephen_Douglas) June 6, 2021
Kriss Kross & DaddyMac were ahead of their time.
— Fr. Robert R. Ballecer, SJ (@padresj) June 6, 2021
And other comparisons.
Mel Brooks predicted that an asshole would one day wear his pants backwards. #Trumppants
— Republiculos (@republiculos) June 6, 2021
Same energy #trumptrousers #trumppants
— Glen Chisholm (@glenchisholm) June 6, 2021
Some said Trump was making his successor look even better.
President Biden out here looking like a secret agent while Florida-area blogger looking like 300 pounds of moldy oatmeal dumped into a trash bag. #DiaperDon #Trumppants
— HardTimes315 (@HTimes315) June 6, 2021
Others made jokes about Hope Hicks, his former political advisor, who he reportedly once chastised for not steaming his pants.
TFW you realize Hope Hicks was actually the most important member of your team
— Don Moynihan (@donmoyn) June 6, 2021
Imagine waking up this morning as Hope Hicks and realizing you’ll be forever known as the pant steamer girl for the loon
— Lee Santos (@TxHopsfarmer) June 6, 2021
And there were other jokes.
He’s clearly on the “no fly” list. #DiaperDon
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) June 6, 2021
Just like everybody else he puts his pants on, no legs at a time
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) June 6, 2021
I can’t stop laughing…
— Rex Chapman (@RexChapman) June 6, 2021
True or not, it left some people outraged that they had to once more think about Donald Trump’s crotch.
Please, make it stop.
I don’t care if he wore his pants upside-down, the last thing I need to see in my feed is endless posts of video focusing on that troglodyte’s crotch area.— C. S. Johnson (@thelostemperor) June 6, 2021