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Newsmax Anchor Greg Kelly Is Being Reminded That The ‘Internet Is Forever’ After He Deleted Racially-Charged Tweets

The first time I saw one of Greg Kelly’s tweets, I thought the account was a convincing parody of the conservative Newsmax anchor. Here’s a recent example: “For a Tough Guy Cop, DIRTY HARRY dressed a bit like a ‘Dweeb’ — the Tie under the Sweater thing NEVER WORKS. (Ned Flanders is the only other actor besides Clint Eastwood to do it).” But Kelly’s tweets are the real deal, even if he’s likely to claim there’s an ironic detachment to them (how else to explain “no MCFISH on the menu”?) in the name owning the libs. Here’s another one: “SMOKING WEED (aka GRASS) is NOT a good idea. I’ve tried it (back in the day) and it was WORSE than anything that happened to HUNTER BIDEN. I ‘toked up’ with some buddies in Kentucky and woke up 4 days later in Nairobi, Kenya. With no idea what happened. DON’T DO DRUGS.” Sure, Greg.

Over the weekend, Kelly took some time off from tweeting about Sex and the City to praise former-president Bill Clinton for being white.

“So that’s the USS America aircraft carrier that I’m ‘fixin’ to land on. Just knowing that President Clinton, who was in office at the time, was a Caucasian male made it ‘all worthwhile’ — ask any white male officer who served under him. So appreciative of his Race were we,” the far-right host tweeted. He also wrote that having a white secretary of defense (William Cohen) made a “big difference” in “morale.” Both tweets have since been delated and Kelly is under review by the far-right “news” network. Via Mediaite:

Savvy followers of Kelly’s performance art style Twitter feed know that it was almost certainly an attempt at ironically detached humor, albeit a failed one. In a statement to Mediaite, Newsmax confirms that the original tweets were an effort to call out racism. “We understand a series of tweets were posted by Mr. Kelly today that, in their totality, indicated his opposition to racism,” the conservative network stated. “We at Newsmax never countenance the posting of racist views or views that appeal to racists. We are currently reviewing the matter.”

He followed the now-deleted tweets with this one, which is still up:

The tweets may be gone, but Twitters users haven’t forgotten them:

Has Kelly learned anything from this mess? Of course not.

(Via Mediaite)