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Marco Rubio Is Already Trying To Paint His Likely Opponent In His 2022 Senate Race As A ‘Far Left Extremist,’ And She Isn’t Having It

Congresswoman Val Demings (a former Orlando police chief who had no difficulty lighting up a bloviating Jim Jordan) recently announced that she’d be running for Marco Rubio’s Senate seat, which is quite a turn when it initially looked like his toughest competition would be Ivanka Trump. Rubio appeared ruffled when previously quizzed on Ivanka, but he’s playing it cool — at least in a pre-recorded video — when it comes to Demings. Can he truly maintain a calm demeanor after Fox News reported that this might be the most expensive Senate race of all time? After all, Demings apparently raised $1 million in the first 24 hours after announcing her candidacy.

Let’s find out how Rubio’s feeling: the guy who tweets about terrorism in an utterly tone-deaf way is attempting to brand Demings as a radical. In the below video, Rubio claims that he’s excited about this race because “it’s going to offer the people of Florida a very clear difference.” He then went on to brand Demings as “a do-nothing House member” (who favors “Marxist” policies) while he sang his own praises: “By comparison, one nonpartisan group ranked me the most effective Republican in the entire Senate.”

Rubio then bragged about being sanctioned by China, and Rubio tweeted the video with a caption to call his opponent “a far left extremist.”

In response, well, Demings didn’t waste words on Rubio (there will be time for that later). Instead, she simply tweeted a photo of herself wearing police regalia and giving a side-eye of sorts.

Calling someone with a 27-year career in law enforcement a “far-left extremist” probably isn’t the most effective argument from a party that wants to put itself forth as with a law-and-order agenda. Demings had no difficulty in telling Jim Jordan that he “know[s] nothing” when it comes to actual police practices and how they handle civil unrest, and it looks like we should see some entertaining future debates between Demings and Rubio.