Cyberpunk 2077 would like to welcome you to Night City … again. After being pulled from the PlayStation store last December due to a plethora of bugs and various other performance issues, Cyberpunk 2077 will be back up for sale on the digital marketplace starting on June 21. CD Projekt Red announced the big news in a recent press release, which was then corroborated in a statement given to IGN by Sony Interactive. In the statement, Sony said:
“[Sony Interactive Entertainment] can confirm that Cyberpunk 2077 will be re-listed on PlayStation Store starting June 21, 2021. Users will continue to experience performance issues with the PS4 edition while CD Projekt Red continues to improve stability across all platforms. SIE recommends playing the title on PS4 Pro or PS5 for the best experience.”
For those unfamiliar with the Cyberpunk 2077 saga — and boy, do we mean saga — the game was first released December 10, 2020, after close to a decade in development and with all the hype a game could possibly hope for. However, all this hype quickly turned into criticism when the game released with a staggering amount of issues that ultimately led to developer CD Projekt Red offering refunds to anyone who purchased the game and Sony flat-out removing the ability to purchase it from its store on December 17, just a week after release. Sony stated this decision would be enforced indefinitely, and as we hit nearly six months of the game being removed, many thought indefinitely might just be forever.
However, since release CD Projekt Red has released patches and updates in an attempt to make Cyberpunk 2077 playable, and it seems like Sony has deemed those updates good enough to resume sales. However, according to Sony’s statement those on PlayStation 4 should still be wary about purchasing, as several performance and stability issues still exist. While the Cyberpunk 2077 fiasco isn’t completely over for CD Projekt Red, this is a good sign that things are winding down — which is great considering they’re potentially entering a huge legal battle as they fight to retrieve game data and personal information stolen from the company.