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Stephen Colbert Made Clever Use Of Britney Spears Song Titles To Show Support For Her

Britney Spears speaking about her conservatorship in court recently drew reactions from just about everybody, from Piers Morgan to Chris Crocker from the “Leave Britney Alone” video. The topic found its way into Stephen Colbert’s The Late Show monologue last night and he found a clever way to show his support for Spears.

Colbert started by summarizing the situation. When he mentioned Spears’ father Jamie, there was a smattering of boos from a handful of audience members. He then got into Spears’ court appearance and how she said her conservators should be in jail, which lent itself to a “not that innocent” joke from Colbert.

He wrapped up the segment by using Spears song titles to make his point, flipping through single covers of the corresponding words as he said them. He said,

“I have something to say to the court: Your honor, this conservatorship over Britney Spears is ‘toxic.’ The fact that this is legal is ‘criminal.’ ‘Everytime’ I think of the ‘circus’ around her, I ‘scream and shout’ because this is ‘crazy.’ Britney’s saying, ”I wanna go’ because all these people want a ‘piece of me,” but their response is just, ‘Gimme more.’ Britney, ‘don’t cry.’ You are ‘stronger’ than these ‘womanizers’ and we are ‘lucky’ to have you. Jamie Spears, your daughter deserves to be in control of her own ‘work, b*tch.’ Anyone who doesn’t think so is ‘crazy.’ Oh, I already used that one? Well, ‘oops!… I did it again.’”

It’s a clever bit, so check it out above, starting at about 6:35 into the video.