So far, Olivia Rodrigo has received no real pushback for constantly referencing and incorporating pop culture totems from the past few decades into her own work. She’s used a melody from a Taylor Swift song, earned comparisons to Paramore’s “Misery Business” in the single “Good 4 U,” and diehard Lorde fans would swear the bridge from “Drivers License” sounds familiar. But imitation is the highest form of flattery, right? Well, not if you’re Courtney Love, apparently.
The Hole frontwoman took umbrage with Olivia’s new press photo for her Sour prom concert film, below:
Love posted the pic to her own Instagram account on Friday with the following caption: “Spot the difference! #twinning! @oliviarodrigo ”
For reference, Hole is alluding to her Live Through This artwork from 1994.

“Love u and live through this sooooo much,” Rodrigo commented in reply. To which Courtney responded: “Olivia — you’re welcome. My favorite florist is in Notting Hill, London! Dm me for deets. I look forward to reading your note.”

She also shared the same post on Facebook, and made a few more comments there in response to fan reactions, including the idea that the prom photos was a reference to Stephen King’s Carrie. “As stated in another comment “Carrie” is an entirely different concept to my original idea. I made that so clear at the time. Don’t dare gate keep my life. Especially as I’m luckily still alive to correct your presumption. Based on ? Pigs blood ? I don’t copy.”

She further noted that she expects flowers and a note, and will be done with it.
“I’ve asked her for flowers and a note, your [sic] right. It’s rude not to be asked. I know Ellen von unwerth isn’t amused. And just to clarify? The Brian de Palma classic “Carrie“ is another thing. My cover was my original idea. A thing you maybe have to actually live life to acquire ? I don’t know. Anyway. Disney? Yes it’s rude. X”

And finally, that she doesn’t consider her call out to be bullying because stealing an original idea without asking permission “is rude.”
“Your version isn’t mine. Stealing an original idea and not asking permission is rude. There’s no way to be elegant about it. I’m not angry. It happens all the time to me. And really I’m very gracious or say nothing. But this was bad form. That’s not bullying or bomb throwing . This persons music has nothing to do with my life. Possibly never will. It was rude And I have every right to stick up for my work. Don’t gatekeep me ! I’m honorable as f*ck to my fellow artists, and I expect the same.”

Check out the full Facebook post here.