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Ted Cruz Accused Jen Psaki Of ‘Brazen Gaslighting’ Over Police Funding, And People Threw It Right Back At Him

Ted Cruz can’t stop self-owning without even seeming to care about the consequences. From standing in a crumbling Israeli home to lurking in the bushes at the U.S.-Mexico border, Cruz must know that he whatever he says only reminds people of the senator’s sunny Cancun trip during a devastating Texas ice storm. The jokes will always flow about that ill-advised vacation, no matter what, and Cruz’s furious reaction to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is no exception.

Cruz is rather sore over Psaki’s confrontation with Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy, who quizzed Psaki over Biden advisor Cedric Richmond’s accusation that Republicans were the true defunders of police because they didn’t vote for the American Rescue Plan. “How is that an argument to be made,” Doocy asked. “When the president never mentioned needing money for police to stop a crime wave when he was selling the American Rescue Plan?”

In response, Psaki shut the complaint down by insisting that Biden did “mention” that the American Rescue Plan included state and local funding, which “could help ensure local cops were kept on the beat in communities across the country.” She then added, “As you know, didn’t receive a single Republican vote,” she added. “That funding has been used to keep cops on the beat.”

In response, Cruz described this as “[b]razen gaslighting.”

Naturally, Cruz critics found this to be quite rich. They pushed back while telling Ted that he not only gaslit the American public over his Cancun vacation but also about the January 6 insurrection, which he (arguably) helped to incite.

Cruz probably isn’t listening to the criticism, though. There are more beach vacations to plan…