It may be July but that doesn’t mean we’re done with our summer full of video game announcements, presentations, and showcases. After E3 and Summer Game Fest came and went, it was just kind of assumed that Sony wasn’t going to be showing us anything this summer. They remained quiet throughout the month of June and if they didn’t have anything to show us then there wasn’t much reason to force a presentation.
Well, either something at Sony changed, or they always had something to show and wanted to keep it under wraps, because Sony will be hosting a summer presentation after all. On Thursday, July 8, Sony will be hosting a State of Play to show off the upcoming Deathloop, some indie games, and third-party titles. In other words, don’t expect anything from Sony proper but we can still expect to see some video games coming to PlayStation.
A new State of Play arrives this Thursday. Tune in for a Deathloop gameplay deep dive, plus lots of updates on indies and exciting third-party games. https://t.co/oCn4suuAuu pic.twitter.com/KCP0WfHGYX
— PlayStation (@PlayStation) July 6, 2021
This is an interesting announcement because it comes following a rough week for PlayStation’s PR and reputation. It hasn’t been a secret for a while now that PlayStation has shifted a lot of its focus to major blockbuster titles. That focus led to some issues where, according to Bloomberg, developers working with PlayStation didn’t feel like they had the tech giant’s support when making games. Where their focus lies was again called into question within the last week when many indie developers came forward to IGN to express their frustration when working with PlayStation. Now, this does not mean they threw this presentation together in response to that criticism, because events like this take way too much time to put together to suddenly host one in a week. However, considering they’re advertising the third parties and indies, in particular, this may be their way of trying to show that they aren’t what recent reports are showing them to be.
As for what we want to see from this presentation, we won’t be getting any news on God of War or Horizon, so let’s just hope we get a nice variety of games to watch.
This showcase will not include updates on the next God of War, Horizon Forbidden West, or the next generation of PlayStation VR. Stay tuned throughout the summer though, as we’ll have more updates soon.
It would also be nice to get a little bit more information on what exactly Deathloop is supposed to be. We know it’s a fun action shooter, and have seen some gameplay in the past, but details beyond what we’ve seen have been sparse. Either way, these presentations are always fun and it’s great to get a chance to see more more video games this summer.