While there’s still no word on whether or not we’ll get another annoyingly catchy song in the upcoming Witcher spinoff series, it’s clear the show won’t be lacking in talent. Michelle Yeoh (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Star Trek Discovery, Crazy Rich Asians) has been cast in the upcoming Witcher prequel, The Witcher: Blood Origins, as a major character named Scían. As of right now, not much is known about Scían, but based on Netflix’s description of the elven warrior one thing seems pretty clear: she’s going to be a total badass.
“Scían is the very last of her nomadic tribe of sword-elves. No one can come close to her artistry with the blade, and no one carries as much loss within their heart. When a chance presents itself to retrieve a stolen sacred sword, taken from her fallen tribe by nefarious means, she launches herself into a deadly quest that will change the outcome of the Continent.”
Announced last year, The Witcher: Blood Origins takes place roughly 1200 years prior to the events of The Witcher and tells “a story lost to time” in the The Witcher universe: The Conjunction of the Spheres. The Conjunction of the Spheres refers to the cataclysmic event in which the many universes existing in the world of The Witcher collided into one another, creating multidimensional rifts that allowed supernatural creatures and magic to enter the world. The event plunged the world into a time of darkness and despair, pushing several towards the brink of extinction while providing others with opportunities to relocate and seize power. According to Netflix, the six-episode series will explain how exactly this event occurred, as well as how the first witchers came to be.
Yeoh will be joining Game of Thrones actor Laurence O’Fuarain as well as Iron First and The Originals writer Declan de Barra on the project that is scheduled to begin shooting later this year. Here’s hoping we learn even more about The Witcher: Blood Origins — and The Witcher Season 2 — during this weekend’s first-ever WitcherCon, held exclusively online on YouTube and Twitch July 9-10.